(after stating the facts as above).
Further, the careful provision that the buyer should not get possession except by paying the full invoice price, contrasted with the affirmative promise of a compensatory allowance, is persuasively inconsistent with the idea that paying the draft waived any reclamation. We do not think the parties intended that a draft should go dishonored and a car accumulate demurrage for days or weeks while they negotiated about a claimed deficiency. If it should appear that, owing to the nature of the material or some custom of trade familiar to the parties, rights would be prejudiced by allowing the option for analysis to survive the payment of the draft, the subject-matter of this paragraph might require further consideration; but upon this record we see no such prejudice.
5. In all that we have said, we have assumed that the contract, with the aid of that expert knowledge and that familiarity with the trade customs which should be attributed to the parties, furnishes a means of ascertaining the “pro rate reduction” which it promises. On its face, it does not do this. The excess of water could be presumed to be worthless, and so that allowance could be computed; the other constituents, beyond ammonia and phosphate, may or may not have had value enough to justify the freight. If no, they furnish no difficulty to the computation; if yes, then with reference to them, as certainly with reference.to the phosphate and the ammonia, there must be expert aid in proportioning values. We have not hesitated to make this assumption, although not directly supported by the present record, because it seems improbable that the parties would have made a contract which was unintelligible to them.
6. Our conclusion that the contract itself required the exercise of its option by plaintiff within a reasonable time makes immaterial the question so much discussed by counsel whether the laws of Ohio or of Pennsylvania should control. There is no conflict. The meaning of the words “at destination” has not been argued or considered.
Por the error in directing the verdict, the judgment must be reversed, with costs, and the case remanded for a new trial.