Wm. Inglis contested D. C. Shepherd’s election as supervisor for the first district of San Joaquin County. The court below gave judgment in favor of the contestant, and the respondent appeals therefrom.
The question determining the contention was this, was or was not Inglis entitled to have counted for him as supervisor for the first district of San Joaquin County, sixty-seven ballots, which on their face showed that he was voted for as supervisor for the second district of said county?
Thus it appears that the voters casting the disputed ballots intended to vote for William Inglis for supervisor of the first district of said county. And no fault resting on them we do not perceive the propriety of permitting the carelessness or mistake of a printer to defeat that intention.
The judgment of the court below should be affirmed.
Searls, C., and Belcher, C. C., concurred.
The Court. For the reasons given in the foregoing opinion the judgment is affirmed.
Hearing in Bank denied.