| E.D.N.Y | Nov 15, 1867

BENEDICT, District Judge.

To enable an opposing creditor to obtain an order for a trial at a stated session of the district court, under section thirty-one of the bankruptcy act, the specifications must be sufficiently definite and certain to enable the court to see that there exists a fair question of fact, necessary to be determined upon, evidence outside the papers, before the discharge can be granted. In the present case the specifications are too general and indefinite, and do not entitle the party to an order for a trial at the stated session; nor do they raise any definite issue upon which *1327a summary hearing and adjudication could be had. Some grounds of opposition to the discharge, set forth with sufficient definiteness to enable the court at least to see that the abjections taken are not frivolous, or interposed merely for purposes of delay, should appear in the specifications before the court can be called upon to pass upon them. The objections therefore must be stricken out, with leave, however, to the creditors to file more definite specifications within three days.