In re Veler
(after stating the facts as above).
Indeed, it seems that Veler’s action in this respect would not have been criticised, save for the Ohio statute (Gen. Code, § 11241), which provides that an action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest, and an opinion of the Supreme Court of that stale. (Brown v. Ginn, 66 Ohio St. 316, 64 N. E. 123), which holds that the defendant, in an action brought upon an assigned claim by one who holds it only for collection, may defeat the action on that ground. Even if this were a subject upon which the federal courts were bound to follow the Ohio decisioiis, we would observe that in Coal Co. v. Bank, 74 Ohio St. 463, 78 N. E. 1128, it was held that the holder of such claim has, prima facie, the right to bring suit thereon and may maintain an action until his lack of interest is shown. It would fol - low that, while such right remained, unchallenged by any party entitled to dispute it, the jurisdiction of the court in such action could not be affected.
With the same condition, we would further observe that the Üniform Negotiable Instruments Raw, adopted in Ohio to be in effect
However, the Conformity Act (U. S. Comp. St. 1916, § 1537), does not make the state rules of procedure apply to bankruptcy courts. The practice and procedure of those courts are prescribed exclusively by the Barikruptcy Act a.nd the general orders and regulations pursuant thereto. We think the bankruptcy court should follow the rule most generally prevailing, and to the contrary of that stated in Brown v. Ginn (see In re Kenney [D. C.] 136 Fed. 451, 455, and cases cited in R. C. L. tit. Bills and Notes, §§ 190, 198, 199); and the express . language of the Bankruptcy Act gives support to this view. Those who file a petition must be creditors, and the definition of “creditor,” given in paragraph 9 of section 1, includes the duly authorized agent or attorney of the one who “owns” the claim, even if “owner” necessarily means “equitable owner.” This 'provision has no force, unless it means that the agent or attorney — at least, when holding such a claim as this — may proceed in his own name as creditor. He is answerable to his principal, and obviously his principal may raise the question whether “duly authorized”; probably the debtor may; but, until and unless some such meritorious question is raised, the right of the agent, who is the legal holder of negotiable paper, to proceed in his own name, and the power and duty of the court to recognize this right of the agent, must be clear. We draw this conclusion from the cumulative effect of all the considerations we have stated.
A case might arise where a single creditor had caused his claim to be divided into several notes, with the intention of scattering them for the purpose of creating two or more creditors, so as to give bankruptcy jurisdiction; but that is not this case. Huffman’s good faith in taking the series of notes and distributing them in the course of paying his own several debts is. not questioned.
(a) It is suggested that the representations substantially were to the effect that the assets of the company largely exceeded its liabilities, that the embarrassment was temporary, and that, with the aid of a short receivership, the company would be able to satisfy its creditors and demonstrate its solvency. It is quite evident that no later remedial proceedings can rest upon the supposition that the bankruptcy court accepted such a claim and appointed a receiver on such a theory, presented by the same creditors who were the petitioners for bankruptcy adjudication. To do so would be deliberately to apply bankruptcy remedies in a case where, in truth, the most essential clement of bankruptcy was conceded to be absent. ■
(b) Either directly or because of indorsements, James was then, in substance, among the largest of the unsecured creditors — perhaps the chief one. The bankruptcy proceeding and the receivership were planned by him in part because he thought them the best remedy for his own protection. If, appearing as counsel for petitioning creditors and in effect for the company, he advised the court that a receivership was necessary, he ought to have disclosed his personal interest. Complete good failh with the court required this degree of frankness. The court might not give the same force to the advice from counsel who was a creditor as from counsel who was disinterested. At the same time, it is not easy to see the great materiality of this lack of frankness as applied to obtaining the receivership and the order continuing the business; its prejudicial effect at later stages is much more probable. James was not a preferred creditor (except by lien on the patents, which were worthless); his personal interests and those of general creditors and those of the Huffman Company were, prob ably, really identical. There seems scant room for supposing that he made any statements or gave any advice which would not have been made or given if he had not been a creditor; however, we do not doubt that the presence of this undisclosed personal interest is one of the circumstances to be considered upon the main issue here involved.
(c.) It was not disclosed by the petition for certificates, and it is said not to have been disclosed at all, that the Commercial Chib had either a claim of $4,200 or title to the real estate, and that various machinery and equipment vendors held purchase-price liens well towards (as it turned out, beyond) the full value. The claim of the Commercial Club for $4,200 had been entered on the books of the
(d) Representations as to the nearly finished condition of the tractors and the certainty of a profitable market will, of course, support the theory of fraud only if they pertained to known facts or to opinions given so recklessly as to be equivalent to fraudulent statements of fact. This specific feature was not much considered below, and it will require further attention, and we now pass it by without other comment.
Upon review of the whole record, there must be grave doubt whether there was anything improvident in the conclusion to appoint a receiver, or whether the appointment would not have been made just the same if the full and exact facts then existing had been stated to the court. The vital trouble with the situation, as it turned out, was not that the debts were larger than supposed, or that there were so many vendor’s liens, but was rather that the tractor, upon which the whole enterprise was based, proved to be a failure; and it seems entirely probable that in December, 1912, Huffman and James, and everybody concerned, believed that the tractor, when finished, would work and would sell. The situation, in December, 1912, as we now know it, was that $10,000 or $15,000 in cash, and an equal amount in debts, had been invested in the enterprise, and that, if it stopped at that stage, the plant and the machinery were of minimum value, and the materials and unfinished machines on hand were mostly junk; while, if the business could be continued long enough to demonstrate that it could be profitable, all the assets would greatly increase in salable
What has been said applies to three of the receiver’s certificates, which were issued as the direct and normal consequence of the creation of the receivership. The fourth certificate (issued as 3) requires separate consideration. Its issue is claimed to have been secured by an express false representation that an attorney for one creditor consented. The record suggests the possibility of confusion and mistake on this subject rather than the supposed express intent to deceive, because this attorney for one creditor obviously had no power to consent generally to the issue of this certificate, and the false representation that he had consented would have been so far futile that it would hardly have been worth deliberate making; yet, in view of the proceedings which we later approve, we do not attempt to foreclose this question. If this certificate was fraudulently procured, and if thereby the burden upon the estate was increased $500 beyond what it otherwise would have been, damages to that amount must follow.
It appears that there is a small fund ($430) coming from the sale of unincumbered property. The considerations which give the receiver’s certificates priority in the proceeds of the property covered by liens do not apply, or apply with less force, to the ordinary administration expenses after the trustee was appointed. As to these, it may well be that they were incurred only in the expectation that they would be paid out of the general fund and should be confined thereto. This we do not undertake to consider.
It is said that the only alternative to the practice here pursued is a plenary action at law before a jury. This does not follow. The whole matter is ancillary to the bankruptcy proceedings, and the bankruptcy court has, in a broad sense, the power of a court of equity. A complaint or petition by the trustee, addressed to the bankruptcy court in the exercise of its equity powers, asking an accounting for the damages caused to the estate by the wrongful acts committed after
It -would have been possible to dispose of this 'matter by deciding only that the necessary procedure had not been followed; but both the record and the argument have been very full in all directions, and the results which we reach as to the certificates and the unauthorized
Our direction, therefore, is that the orders made by tire District Court on November 2 and November 11, 1916, and January 17 and June 25, 1917, be set aside and vacated, and that the case be remanded for further proceedings in accordance with the views herein expressed. This will leave matters standing upon the second report of the master and the exceptions, objections, and motions made thereto. This 'disposition of the matter implies no liability to refund to any appellant any amount that it may have paid pursuant to the order appealed from ; neither is it intended to disapprove the action of the court below in refusing any compensation to James or Bloom as counsel or receiver. That action was, upon this record, within the court’s discretion. This is also1 without prejudice to such proceeding as may be thought necessary to protect the estate from loss which might result if the certificates held by the Bowling Green Bank were paid while the liability of that bank as petitioning* creditor was alleged and undecided.
The costs of this court, including one docket fee for the appeal and all petitions and the cost of printing the appeal record, except pages 189 to 282, and the petition records filed January 26th, March 14th, and October 2d, will be paid by the trustee from the fund, first, out of any balance there may be of the $430 not exhausted by previous costs; and, second, at the expense of the secured creditors pro rata.
Except by the answer, which admits all the allegations of the petition^
We do not overlook the fact that the Supply Company took this certificate “without prejudice to all the rights and liens which [it] holds under its said chattel mortgage.” This proviso cannot reasonably operate to permit the Supply Company to attack the declared basis of the series of certificates, one of which it was accepting; the proviso is given due effect by treating it as intended to meet any claim that acceptance of partial payment or extension of time would he a waiver of the existing chattel mortgage rights or the initiated foreclosure rights. The Supply Company’s lieus upon machinery and proceeds continued unimpaired, save by the practical concession that the receiver’s certificates were rightly part of the expenses of administration.
It should be stated that the District Judge who appointed the receiver did refer the present issues to another .ludge, and later assumed the decision himself reluctantly and because the reference had to he abandoned.