Manley J. Benton, father of George O. Benton and Grace Benton, died intestate at Waverly, Iowa, on the fifteenth day of September, 1892. He left surviving him these minors, aged twelve and ten years, respectively. His wife, the mother of these children, died about two years previous. Before the death of the wife and mother, the petitioner, who is the paternal uncle of the minors, at the request of Manley J. Benton and his wife, took Grace Benton to his home in Wisconsin, and from that time until the present has supported and cared for her. At the time of the father’s death, there being no next of kin in Iowa,, petitioner took the boy, George O. Benton, to Wisconsin, and into his family, and has ever since supported him. The paternal grandfather of the children lives with the petitioner in Wisconsin. On the first day of November, 1892, the petitioner was appointed guardian of the persons and property of said minors by the county court of Trempealeau county, in the state of Wisconsin, and gave his bond as such. His bond, at the time of the filing of the application herein, amounted to the sum of four thousand' dollars. Manley J. Benton had a life insurance policy, issued by an Iowa company, for two thousand dollars, twelve hundred dollars of which was made payable to Grace and eight hundred dollars to George O. Benton. This was all, or practically all, the property he left. On the twelfth day of November, 1892, E. L. Smalley, of Waverly, in Bremer county, Iowa, upon the petition of one J. R. Smith, was appointed guardian of the property, but not of the persons, of the minors. Smalley afterward collected the face of the insurance policy, and is now holding the same by reason of his appointment as guardian. , The petition in this case was for an order for the transfer of this money to the petitioner, as guardian in Wisconsin,
In re the Guardianship of Benton
92 Iowa 202
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