This case was tried before my predecessor, Mr. Surrogate Arnold, and submitted to him in 1897, but, not having been decided by him, comes to me for decision. The paper propounded as decedent’s last will was bitterly contested upon the grounds of undue influence and lack of testamentary capacity, and also upon the claim that one or more alterations had been made in the instrument after its formal execution by her. The gravity of these contentions, especially the latter, has necessitated a most careful and laborious examination of the voluminous testimony — more than 1,200 typewritten pages — and of the exhibits, including four prior wills, and also of the authorities bearing upon the questions of law involved. The decedent, Mrs. Dwyer, known until about six months before her death as Jane Tamajo, Duchess della Castellucia, died on August 2,
Probate decreed.