This is a motion to confirm the report of' the special master on specifications of objection to a proposed composition. The special master has recommended that the composition be confirmed, and one of the creditors has objected to confirmation on several grounds.
The bankrupt duly offered a composition to his creditors of 25 per cent, on the dollar in cash. One of the creditors, the Gera Mills, was represented by its attorney, Mr. Saul S. Myers, who took proceedings on behalf of his client as an intervening creditor, and, in the course of those proceedings, incurred a bill of $450 to $500 to certified public accountants employed by him in the investigation of the financial affairs of the bankrupt. Mr. Myers, on behalf of his client, also incurred another bill of a little over $100 to a detective for making certain investigations. When Mr. Marks, the attorney for the bankrupt,
“These being the facts, it does not seem to me that it can properly be said that the Gera Mills are to receive any greater amount than the 25 per cent, paid to all the creditors.”
When, therefore, the bankrupt, through his attorney, promised to make the creditor whole on the creditor’s expenditures, after the creditor through its attorney had refused to sign uxiless made whole, the very thing was done which vitiates this composition agx*eement. It is specious to say, because as a net result of such a transaction the creditor will not receive more than 25 per cent, on his claim, that he shares ■equally with other creditors and gains no advantage. As the matter •stood when the negotiation began, the creditor was out of pocket the amount of his claim against the bankrupt plus this expenditures, and the agreement to reimburse is an agreement to pay this same creditor more than 25 per cent, of any claim which it could prove or have allowed to it in bankruptcy.
It can readily be seen where such a practice will lead, if followed to its logical conclusion. Tor instance, an attorney could very well say that his client had incurred expenses for his advice and services as an attorney, and the client could refuse to sign a composition agreement unless the unliquidated fees of his attorney were paid. The possibilities of such practice and procedure could be further illustrated, but what has been pointed out is sufficient for the purpose of making clear that any arrangement which contemplates the payment to one creditor of one cent more than is to be paid to another creditor in the same class is the kind of an arrangement which the law will not permit, and which will result in the disapproval by the court of a composition agreement.
“An application for the confirmation of a composition may be filed in the court of bankruptcy after, but not before, it has been accepted in writing by a majority in number of all creditors whose claims have been allowed, which number must represent a majority in amount of such claims. * * * ” Comp. St. 1916, § 9596.
There is nothing in this section which prevents a creditor from withdrawing a claim at any time he pleases, provided, of course, such withdrawal is in good faith and without fraud or other wrongful agreement or means. There is nothing in the record which suggests that this arrangement with the bank was other than proper and fairly obtained as the result of the appeal of Mr. Marks on behalf of his-client to the attorney for the bank.
In the circumstances I shall return the matter to the special master, with instructions to take further proof in respect of the arrangement, if any, to he made between the bankrupt and the Gera Mills. This is another way of stating that the bankrupt can ascertain whether the Gera Mills will sign on the absolute and unqualified condition that it is to receive, under the composition agreement, 25 per cení, and no more.
Settle order on one day’s notice.
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