In re Long Acre Electric Light & Power Co.
This is an application for a writ of peremptory mandamus, directing the Consolidated Tele-graph & Electrical Subway Company to accord to the petitioner herein space in its subway ducts for the placing of electrical conductors therein, extending from a specified location in West Eorty-second street to another specified location in West Forty-fourth street, in the borough of Manhattan, city of Mew York, said space to be sufficient to permit the placing therein of three conductors. The said Consolidated Telegraph & Electrical Subway Company, under the Subway Act of 1887, ratifying and confirming agreements theretofore made between said company and the commissioners of electrical subways for the city of Mew York, acquired a practically exclusive right to the furnishing of space in subways to electric light corporations upon the proviso and obligation that said company should furnish just and equal facilities to all corporations lawfully competent to manufacture, use and supply electricity, or to operate electric conductors in any street, avenue or highway in the city of Mew York, applying for such facilities upon such terms as the court shall deem just and reasonable, and, upon its failure so to do, the court is vested with power to compel it, by proper proceedings by mandamus, to grant such facilities. Laws of 1887, chap. 716, § 7. The peti
Ordered accordingly.