In Re: Cardinal Svcs Inc v. Lewis

6:00-cv-01909 | W.D. La. | Jul 18, 2007

Case 6:OO-cV-01909-RFD-I\/|EI\/| Document 322 Filed 07/18/07 Page 1 of 1 Page|D #: 1516 RECEl\/ED JuL 1 s 20 \< ERT H. SHEN'|WELL. LER `TE)SBTERI¢ D|STFUCT OF LOU15EANA L_AFA`!'ETTE_, LOL||SLANA UNI'I`ED STATES DISTRIC'I` COUR'I` WESTERN DISTRIC’I` OF LOUISIANA LAFAYETTE-OPELOUSAS DIVISION IN THE M_AT'I'ER OF THE COMJ’LAINT CONSOLIDATED CASE OF CARDINAL SERVICES, INC. AS CIV]L ACTION NO. 00-1909 OWNERS OF L/B W. LOPEZ, OFFICIAL NO. 1060683 FOR EXONERATION FROM J'UDGE DOHER'I`Y OR LI]VI]'I‘ATION OF LIABILITY MAGISTRATE J'U'DGE ME'I`HVIN J U ]] G M E N T Thjs matter Was referred to United States Magistrate Judge l\/lildred E. Methvin for Report and Reconnnendation. No objections have been Hled. The Court concludes that the Report and Recorrnnendation of the magistrate judge is correct and therefore adopts the conclusions set forth therein Accordingly, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, A]).]UDGED AN]) DECREED that claimants are awarded $8,928.75 in feesJ Whioh consists of attorneys’ fees in the amount of $S,SS0.0(J (48 hours at an hourly rate of$lSS.OO) and paralegal fees in the amount of $48.75 (0.75 hours at an hourly rate of $65.00). Lat`ayette, Louisiana tln's \ g day of COPY SENT: DATE=_ZQY/`v?~ E!Y: GL/‘/ TO:__@EL_ 9