In re Adams
The chairman of the council of defense of Dewey county filed a written request with the circuit court of
“Said council may require airy person to appear- before it, or before any ag'ent or officer of such council, for examination, and may examine any such person under oath as to any information within the knowledge of such person, and to require such person to produce for inspection any writings or documents undter his -control, and to that end the circuit court of any county in the state shall issue a subpoena upon the request of any of its agents or officers, and' all said agents and officers shall have power to administer oaths and take testimony, and and person refusing' to obey such subpoena, or to answer or produce writings or documents íequested by such council shall be punished by the circuit court of the county where such refusal occurs as for a contempt.”
This section confers no power of a legislative character upon any person or tribunal whatsoever. It confers certain powers and imposes certain specific duties upon the council of defense, and the circuit court and Its officers, but’ makes no attempt to go further.
“Before the circuit court can issue a writ of subpoena in this ease there must, of necessity, be a lawful action or proceeding a court of competent jurisdiction, without which such subpoena, cannot be issued, possessing validity and commanding obedience.”
This contention is equaly unfounded. Chapter 61, Spec. Laws 1918, provides for the creation of councils of defense and defines their powers and duties. It then prescribes the necessary procedure for carrying out and enforcing obedience to the law. Upon request of the chairman of the council of defense, the circuit court is required to issue subpoenas to such persons as may be designated in such request, and failure to obey a subpoena so issued is malde to constitute contempt of court, just as a failure to obey a subpoena issued in any other matter pending in court. There is nothing in the law) that' conflicts with any provision of the Constitution, and that a circuit court, or other designated tribunal or officer, may be empowered by. the Legislature to issue subpoenas and enforce obedience thereto in other than matters regularly pending in court is fully settled in this state. In criminal investigations, any magistrate may-issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses before the commencement- of a prosecution. Section 4504, Code 1919. The state’s attorney may issue subpoenas for witnesses to appear
As a further reason for his failure to obey the subpoena appellant stated in his affidavit that he had already purchased his full quota of Liberty Bonds. 'He was not charged with a failure to purchase Liberty Bonds. Therefore this matter was wholly irrelevant to any issue before the court.
The judgment and court order appealed from are affirmed.