1:10-cv-01374 | D. Colo. | Nov 24, 2010

Case 1:10-cv-01374-CI\/|A-BNB Document 21 Filed 11/24/10 USDC Co|orado Page 1 of 3 lN THE UN|TED STATES D|STR|CT COURT FOR THE D|STR|CT OF COLORADO Judge Christine M. Argue|lo Civi| Action NO. 10-cv-01374-CMA-BNB RONALD HUTCH|NSON, P|aintiff, F ‘ L E D V. UN|TED STATES DlSTRlCT COURT DENVER, COLORADO ANNlE HoLEsTlNE, Administrative Director, individually NUV ElLEEN NEvaAN, case Manager supervisor, individually, 2 4 2919 PETER JENSEN, Case l\/lanager, individually, and GREGORY C_ LANGHAM LES GODW|N, Community Parole Officer, individually, ,`~;LERK Defendants. ORDER GRANT|NG SERV|CE BY UN|TED STATES MARSHAL TH|S CAUSE came before the Court on the affidavit in support of the motion for leave to proceed Without prepayment of fees or security pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1915. The Court has granted P|aintiff leave to proceed in forma pauperis. lt now is ORDERED that, if appropriate, the Clerk shall attempt to obtain a waiver of service from Defendants. lf unable to do so, the United States Marshal shall serve a copy of the complaint, summons, order granting leave to proceed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1915, and all other orders upon the Defendants. lf appropriate, the Marshal shall first attempt to obtain a Waiver of service of these documents pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(d). All costs of service shall be advanced by the United States. lt is Case 1:10-cv-01374-Cl\/|A-BNB Document 21 Filed 11/24/10 USDC Co|orado Page 2 of 3 FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants or counsel for Defendants shall respond to the complaint as provided for in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure after service of process on Defendants. DATED: November L, 2010 BY THE COURT: WW\WQ@ CHR|ST|NE M. ARGUELLO United States District Judge Case 1:10-cv-01374-Cl\/|A-BNB Document 21 Filed 11/24/10 USDC Co|orado Page 3 of 3 lN THE UN|TED STATES D|STR|CT COURT FOR THE D|STR|CT OF COLORADO CERT|F|CATE OF MA|L|NG Civil Action No. 10-CV~O1374-CMA-BNB Ronald Hutchinson Prisoner No. 75480 CTCF PO Box 1010 Canon City, CO 81215- 1010 US Marshal Service Service Clerk Service forms for: Annie Holestine, Eileen Newman, Peter Jensen, and Les Godwin | hereby certify that | have mailed a copy of the ORDER to the above-named individuals, and the following forms to the United States Marshal Service for service of process on Annie Holestine, Eileen Newman, Peter Jensen, and Les Godwin: AMENDED COl\/lPLA|NT FlLED 10/18/10, SUMMONS, AND NOT|CE OF AVA|LAB|L|TY OF l\/lAGlSTRATE JUDGE on L'\lz'¢lll;> GREGORY C. LANGHAM, CLERK By: D puty Clerl;'