Hull v. City of Cedar Rapids
O. N. Hull’s Second addition to. Cedar Eapids was platted May 18, 1873. Outlet 1 lies between a twenty-foot alley, south of block 8, and the right of wav of the Burlington, Cedar Eapids & Northern Eailway. „ The outer lines of Hudson street, to the west, and Orange street, to the east, of said block, extended to said right of way. In January, 1875, Hull conveyed a lot forty feet- wide by one hundred and twenty-feet in length, north and south, immediately south of the easterly lot of block 8, to one Tlusty. The north boundary line ivas twenty feet south of the alley, and the east line sixty feet west of lot 1 in block 9, leaving a space corresponding with Orange street extending to the south line of the alley south of said block. This strip, sixty feet wide and one hundred and forty feet long, is the ground in controversy. It was designated on the county auditor’s plat, filed in■•1895, as lot 11, and that.conveyed to Tlusty as lot 10, and they may hereafter he referred to by these numerals. Later, nine lots of like proportions, directly to the west of lot 10 were sold, leaving between their north boundary, in addition to the alley, a strip twenty feet wide,