Huckins v. Olin Corporation

5:03-cv-02047 | N.D. Cal. | Aug 12, 2005

b.) \DOO\]C\U\-{> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 Case 5:03-CV-02047-R|\/|W Document 22 Filed 08/12/05 Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT A RICHARD ALEXANDER, Cai. Bar #48432 JEFFREY W/ RICKARD, Cal. Bar #125180 RYAN M. HAGAN, Cal Bar #200850 ALEXANDER, HAWES & AUDET, LLP 152 North Third Street, Suite 600 San Jose, CA 95112 Te1ephone: (408) 289-1776 Facsimile: (408) 287-1776 Attorneys for Plaintiff($) RANDALL C. CREECH, Cal. Bar #65542 CREECH, LlEBGW & KRAUS 333 West San Carlos Street Suite 1600 San Jose, CA 951 10 Teiephone: (408) 993-9911 Facsimile: (408) 993~1335 THOMAS M. CARNEY, admitted pro hac vice CAROL A. RUTTER, admitted pro hac vice HUSCH & EPPENBERGER, LLC 190 Carondeiet Plaza, Suite 600 St. Louis, MO 63105-3441 Telephone: (314) 480-1500 Facsimile: (314)480-1505 Attorneys for Defendant ()lin Corporation UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA ~ SAN JOSE DIV[SION LORETTA HUCKINS, Case No.: C 03-02047 RMW STIPULATI()N FOR DISMISSAL WlTH PREJUDICE ()F DEFENDANT OLIN CORPORATION BY PLAINTIFF LORETTA HUCKINS Plaintiff, v. OLIN CORPORATION, et a1., Defendarits. \/\/\.¢/`-/\/\_/\.¢/\./\v/\/ Pursuant 10 Fed.R.Civ.P. 41(a)(2), Plaintiff Loretta Huckins and Defendant Olin Corporation hereby request that this Court, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(2), enter an Order dismissing With prejudice all claims asserted by Plaintiff Loretta Huckins as to 2066110.01 Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice of Defendant Olin Corporation by Plaintiff Loretta Huekins ~ 1 \DOO\)O\&!!-PM[\)»-¢ {\) 1\3 1\) 1\~) 1\) 1\) i\-) 1\) {\.) v--* r-* )--- r-‘ )_¢ »--‘ ___ w ,._¢ ,....i 00 \) O`\ 99 1\) *“ O Case 5:03-CV-O2O47-R|\/|W Document 22 Filed 08/12/05 Page 2 of 3 defendant Oiin Corporation. All parties to bear their own costs and legal fees incurred to date in this aetion. Dated: g 166 1 0§/ 15 Respectfully submitted, ALEXANDE ET, LLP By: PMRD D ALEXANDER, Cal. Bar #48432 FFREY W/ RICKARD, Cal. Bar #125180 RYAN M. HAGAN, Cai Bar #200850 152 North Third Street, Suite 600 San Jose, CA 95112 Teiephone: (408) 289-1776 Facsimile: (408) 287-1776 Attomeys for Piaintiff Leretta Huckins HUSCH & EPPENBERGER, LLC Byi S/ Carol A. Rut;ter THOMAS 1\/1. CARNEY, admitted pro hac vice CAROL A. RUTTER, admitted pro hac vice 190 Carondelet Plaza, Suite 600 St. Louis, MO 63105-3441 Telephone: (314) 480'1500 Faesimiie: (314) 480~1505 RANDALL C. CREECH, Cai. Bar #65542 CREECH, LIEBOW & KRAUS 333 West San Car10s Street Suite 1600 San Jose, CA 95110 TeIephone: (408) 993-9911 Faesimiie: (408) 993-1335 Attorneys for Defendant Oli'n Corp<)ration 20661 1001 Stipulation of Dismissal With Prejudice of Defendant Olin Corporation by Plaintiff Loretta Huckins ~ 2 \ooo\)o\u\.t:.e)r\g.... 1\) 1\) 1\) 1\) 1\3 1\-) 1\) f\) v-* >-M r--* >_¢ »--\ »-¢ »-- ,_a ,...¢ ,.4 \) o\ <./\ 4> w w »- o \o 00 \J O\ <./\ -t>- w r\J »-- O 1\) 00 Case 5:03-CV-O2O47-R|\/|W Document 22 Filed 08/12/05 Page 3 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA - SAN JOSE DlVlSION LORETTA HUCKINS, Case NO.: C 03~02047 RMW ORDER DISMISSING WITH PREJUDICE DEFENI)ANT OLIN CORPORATION BY PLAlNTIFF LORETTA HUCKINS Plaintiff, v. OLIN CORPORATION, et al., Defendants. THIS MATTER coming on the motion of Plaintiff Loretta Huckins and Defendant Olin Corporation, for an order of dismissal with prejudice against the defendant OLIN CORPORATI()N, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(2): iT lS HEREBY ORDERED Plaintiff Loretta Huckins’ claims against Defendant Olin Corporation are dismissed With prejudicej pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 41(a)(2). Each party shall bear their own costs and legal fees incurred to date in this action. SO ORDERED: AUG 1 1 2005 M ”Z§PWWV 2066110_01 Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice of Defendant 01in Corporation by Plaintiff Loretta Huckins - 3