Howell v. Public Service Commission
' • 'On the 17th day of July, 1916, the Public Service Commission of West Virginia granted to the Northern Virginia Power Company, a corporation chartered and organized under the laws of the state of Virginia, permission to increase the height of its dam, maintained across the Shenandoah River about five miles from 'Harpers Perry, in Jefferson county, -to an additional-height of 9-3/10 feet, thereby making the entire
Whereas the Iiydro-Elect'ric Act made it necessary for an electric company, using water power as a generator, before it could exercise any of the rights and privileges conferred by the act, including the right of eminent domain, to obtain from the. board of public works its permission to do so, and provided for an appeal from its decision to the circuit court, the Water Power Act now requires such permission to be obtained from the public service commission, and makes no provision for appeal to any court from its order granting such permission. Wc do not say that all of the matters and questions that may arise before the public service commission, incident to the granting of permission to erect dams and condemn land, are non-judicial, but what we mean to say is, that in case judicial questions do thus arise, they may be inquired into judicially' when proceedings to condemn are instituted, which the act provides shall be governed by chapter 42 of the Code, and
Petition dismissed.