On the 6th day of June, A. D. 1876, letters patent No. 178,461 were issued to John E. Perkinson for an improvement in harrow's, and on the 17th day of March, 1883, the right to manufacture and sell such improved harrow's throughout the United States w'as transferred and assigned by the patentees to Harlan S. Howard, The bill filed in the present case charges that the defendants are infringing upon complainants’ rights by manufacturing and selling harrow's wdiich include the invention patented to said John E. Perkinson, and an injunction and accounting are prayed for. Substantially the defense is rested upon the two grounds of invalidity of the Perkinson patent, and a denial of the infringement complained of; it being claimed that the form of harrows manufactured by the defendant corporation does not émbraee the combination covered by the patent issued to Perkinson. The patent to the latter covers a combination of three harrow's, the tw7o outer ones being reversed and being composed of parallel beams, the center harrow being A-shaped, and all of the harrows being connected by links with an equalizing bar or evener, the beams of the reversed outer harrows having the same inclination as the corresponding side beam of the center harrow. The evidence abundantly show's that harrows thus made are capable of efficient work upon side hills and uneven ground as well as upon level fields. The several sections, being unconnected with each other, are free to conform readily to the surface over w'hich they are severally passing, and each section is easily raised, when necessary, to free it from accumulated rubbish. Harrows of this construction are also substantially free from the defect of tracking; that is to say, the teeth in the several bars will not get into line and thus make only one line or furrow in the ground for each bar. The evidence show's that many efforts had been made to construct harrow's that would cover wide spaces, and yet thoroughly accomplish the work intended, and many devices to that end have been patented, yet none seem to have met with much favor until the form of harrow covered by the Perkinson patent wras brought into use. ’ It‘is not seriously questioned by defendants’ counsel that this form
In the form of harrow manufactured bj' the defendant corporation are found three sections, the outer ones reversed, and the center one A-shaped in its general contour. It is not questioned that the general results obtained by this form of harrow are not materially different from those produced by the Perkinson harrow. The differences in construction mainly relied on as an answer to the charge of infringement are in the shape and mode of constructing the center section, and in the coupling of the same to the evener. The center section in the form of harrow manufactured by defendant is, as already stated, A-shaped, in that the outer side-bars converge towards the front end; but it differs from the form used in the Perkinson patent in the arrangement of the inner bars, having several that are parallel. This difference in the arrangement of these inner bars does not change the general form, office, or inode of operation of the center section sufficiently to make it a new element in the combination. This section in both forms of harrow is placed between the reversed outer diagonal sections for the purpose of covering the space that would otherwise not be covered, and, while the form of the center section in defendant’s harrow may be an improvement in some minor particulars over that used in the Perkinson harrow, still the general purpose subserved thereby is identical. In other words, the harrow manufactured by the defendant company includes the combination invented and patented by Perkinson, and the mere changes in the inner bars of the center section as used by the defendant, and in the arrangement of the teeth therein, will not avail to defeat the charge of infringement; and the same is true of the claimed differences in the mode' of attaching the sections to the evener. Even if it be admitted that the defendant’s form of harrow manufactured according to the patent issued to'J. H. Harris on October 21, 1884, does in some respects vary from that patented by Perkinson, still it cannot be denied that it presents the combination of the two outer reversed diagonal harrows, with a third or or center harrow intended to cover the space that would otherwise be left uncovered between the outer harrows, all the sections being independently attached to one evener; and that the'reby the defendants in fact include in the harrow by them made the practical results derived from the Perkinson combination, by using substantially the same means. This being so, it follóws that such use is an infringement of complainants’ rights' under the Perkinson patent.
■ The president and directors of the St. Paul Plow-Works have been made co-defendants with the corporation in this proceeding, and a decree against them individually is sought by complainants. It is not shown in the evidence that the persons named have, in their individual capacity, manufactured or sold any harrows, or that they have individually derived any profit or advantage therefrom.. They have severally answered the bill of complaint, and the question is whether a decree, either for an injunction or for an accounting, should be granted against them.