Houser v. Hartley
Lead Opinion
(After stating the foregoing facts.) The act proposing the constitutional amendment in question provides: “Tf a
In the statements in the certificate preceding the last two paragraphs are presented certain objections to counting votes contested, a statement of the opinion of the Secretary of State that in certain respects there had been a failure to comply with the law, and then, instead of a declaration of the final result, the Secretary of State certifies that, “if these objections are sound and valid, then there was a majority for the ratification of the amendment creating the County of Peach, of 1,848 votes. But he expressly declines to pass upon the question as to whether the objections were sound and valid. We say expressly declines; his conclusion is in this language: “The Secretary of State is not a judicial officer, and his functions are purely ministerial.” In this certificate he adds that he has no discretion, that none is vested in him under the constitution or the law; but he decides that apparently, if discretion is lodged anywhere, it is in the Governor, whose duty it is, he concludes, whenever a proposed constitutional amendment receives the majority of the vote cast, to issue his proclamation declaring the same to have been ratified. Whether as a court, upon a record properly presenting the question, we would have jurisdic-' tion to decide whether a proposed amendment to the constitution was ratified, without a declaration to that effect made by the officer clothed with the .authority under the law to make it, we do not now adjudicate, as no record properly presenting that question'is
In the plea filed by Houser, the respondent named in the application for the writ of mandamus, the plaintiff in error here, it is alleged, among other things, after setting forth parts of the certificate of the Secretary of State, and what he contends are the logical deductions to be made from that certificate, that “The Governor, upon receiving the certificate, likewise took the position that it was without the scope of his authority to determine as to the validity and soundness of the objections referred to by the Secretary of State, but that same would have to be judicially determined by some court of competent jurisdiction; and therefore issued no proclamation as to the Peach County amendment, holding the matter in abeyance until a judicial determination could be had as to the soundness and validity of the objections, which, if found to be
The Political Code, § 82 (which relates to the manner of conducting elections), subsection 9, declares: “They [the superintendents of the election] shall make and subscribe two certificates, stating the whole number of votes each person received in the county; one of them, together with one list of voters and one tally-sheet from each place of holding the election, shall be sealed up and, without delay, mailed to the Governor; the other, with like accompaniments, shall be directed to the clerk of the superior court of the county, and by him deposited in his office.55 We are of the opinion that this section of the Code is directory, and not mandatory. Section 82, subsection 7, has been declared to be directory. Tanner v. Deen, 108 Ga. 95 (33 S. E. 832). And with equal reason section 82, subsection 9, should be held to be so. In the case of Hammond v. Clark, supra, it was said: “In the Constitutional Prohibitory Amendment Cases, 24 Kans. 700, 710, Justice Brewer, who later became a member of the Supreme Court of the United States, thus strongly set forth the position that mere immaterial omissions or errors, which work no wrong to substantial rights, should be disregarded: ‘The two important, vital elements in any constitutional amendment, are, the assent of two thirds of the legislature, and a majority of the popular vote. Beyond these, other provisions are mere machinery and forms. They may not be disregarded, because, by them, certainty as to the essentials is secured. But they are not themselves the essentials.5 . . In People v. Sours, 31 Colo. 369 et seq. (74 Pac. 167, 102 Am. St. R. 134), the same view was taken. Steele, J., said: ‘At the outset it should be stated that every reasonable presumption, both of law and fact, is to be indulged in favor of the validity of an amendment to the constitution when it is attacked after its ratification by the people.5 See also Thompson v. Winnett, 78 Neb. 379 (110 N. W. 1113, 10 L. R. A. (N. S.) 149); State v. Laylin, 69 Ohio St. 1 (68 N. E. 574); Weston v. Ryan, 70 Neb. 211 (97 N. W. 347). This liberal interpretation applies rather to the manner of compliance
“The right to an office by virtue of an election by the required number of votes cannot be defeated by the mistake, negligence, or misconduct of a canvassing board. Inasmuch as the duties of canvassing boards, except as to determining the genuineness of the returns, are generally regarded as merely ministerial, the omissions or mistakes of such boards can have no controlling influence on the election.” 20 C. J. 204. In the case of People v. Van Cleve, 1 Mich. 362 (53 Am. D. 69), it was said: “In a republican government, where the exercise of official power is but a derivative from the people, through the medium of the ballot-box, it would be a monstrous doctrine that would subject the public will and the public .voice, thus expressed, to be defeated by either the ignorance or the corruption of any board of canvassers. The duties of these boards are simply ministerial; their whole duty consists in ascertaining who are elected, and in authenticating and preserving the evidence of such election. It surely cannot be maintained that their omissions or mistakes are to have a controlling influence upon the election itself.” In the same connection see the extended note to the case of People v. Green, Ann. Cas. 1916A, 707.
In view of all the facts in this record and the issue presented hereby, we conclude that the court properly held that the plea to the jurisdiction was not sustained, and then properly granted the mandamus absolute; for no other ground of error in the judgment rendered by the court is argued or urged than that based upon the ratification of the amendment creating the County of Peach, in consequence of which, it is contended, the respondent was a resi
Judgment affirmed.
Dissenting Opinion
dissenting. I am of the opinion that the judgment of the lower court should be reversed. Of course, assuming that there never was an election as to the creation of Peach County, the trial judge could very properly have issued a mandamus absolute. But to do this, in my opinion, the record would have to be disregarded, and it is by the record alone that causes in this court should be adjudicated. I shall briefly call attention to some facts in the record which are undisputed. The case arises upon a petition by one Hartley to the ordinary of Houston County, asking that an election for justice of the peace for the 528th district of Houston County be ordered as provided by law, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the justice of the peace in that district, upon the ground that there is no justice of the peace in the district to order the election, as is usually done in such cases. The petition for mandamus alleges that the ordinary of Houston County refused to perform this duty devolving upon him by law. In response to a rule nisi the ordinary, as respondent, filed first a plea to the jurisdiction, and later an answer responding to each paragraph of the petition. As it appears from the record that every allegation of fact set forth in the answer of the respondent was admitted in the trial before the judge of the superior court to be true, thus eliminating any possible issue of fact, except the creation of Peach County, and the question for our consideration being one of law only, it becomes most material that the admitted facts be clearly understood.
The respondent’s plea to the jurisdiction (and also his answer) rested upon the single admitted fact that he was a citizen of Peach County. Therefore the determination as to whether or not the case was correctly decided in the lower court depends upon a determination (from statements of fact uncontroverted and uncontradicted) as to whether there is such a political subdivision of this State as Peach County. It is admitted that by virtue of an act of the General Assembly approved August 15, 1922, there was duly submitted for ratification or rejection, at the general election held
In the second section of the act of 1922, supra, it is provided that “If a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote for the ratification of said proposed amendment, then the Governor shall, when he ascertains the same from the Secretary of State, to whom the returns of said election shall be referred in the manner as in case's of elections for members of the General Assembly to count and ascertain results, issue his proclamation for one insertion in one daily paper of this State, announcing such results, and declaring the amendment ratified.” It will be noted that the returns are to be referred to the Secretary of State as in cases of election for members of the General Assembly, “to count and ascertain results”;
As to the first question: The certificate of, the Secretary of Statq»to his Excellency, Governor Thomas W. Hardwick, contains the statement of the result in the election held upon the subject of ratifying three other amendments besides the amendment now before us. It will be noted that in each of these reports, as in the case of the Peach County amendment, nothing more is stated than the number of votes cast for and against these amendments respectively. It appears from the facts stated in the certificate or report of the Secretary of State, that, according to the number of votes reported to have been cast, the amendment to increase the salary of the judge of the superior court of Muscogee County was defeated, while in the case of a similar amendment as to the Augusta Circuit the proposed amendment appears to have been adopted. It also would seem, from the figures reported, that the amendment creating a new senatorial district was defeated. But the Secretary of State did nothing more than to'state the facts as he had ascertained them, nothing except the bare figures giving any indication that one of these three amendments had apparently carried and two were apparently lost. A like course was pursued by the Secretary of State with reference to the ascertainment and statement as to the count and results ascertained as to the proposed amendment creating Peach County, except that the Secretary of State, having ascertained that there were defects in the returns from thirty-four counties, the names of which appear in the record, and which the Secretary of State was of the opinion should be thrown out and disregarded, reported that if his conclusion as to
It is urged that by reason of the terms of section 126 of the Code, that “No election shall be defeated for non-compliance with the requirements of the law, if held at the proper time and place by persons qualified to hold them) if it is not shown that, by that non-compliance, the result is different from what it would have-been had there been proper compliance,” the provisions of section 82 of the Civil Code are merely directory and of little, if any, importance. It will be observed, however, that there are three conditions stated in section 126, before such a deduction can be
The Governor has not declared the result, but that is not essential to the ratification of a constitutional amendment, as held in the ease of Hammond v. Clark, 136 Ga. 313 (supra). In the first headnote of that case it was held: “In the absence of some other exclusive method of determination provided by the constitution, whether an amendment has been properly proposed and adopted
Is the question properly presented ? It is insisted that sufficient facts do not appear in the record to enable the court to determine the question of the establishment of Peach County. I cannot agree with this contention. As stated before, there is no appeal from the facts as stated by the Secretary of State to have been ascertained by .him in accordance with his duty in that regard as imposed by law. He states as a fact what was the total vote of all the counties of the State. The defendant in error admits the truth of that statement. By what rule of adjudication is there a higher form of proof provided than the agreement of parties that a certain thing is a fact? It must be presumed that the worthy and distinguished Secretary of State has performed his .duty and counted the returns from each of the 160 counties in this State. It cannot otherwise be presumed, without attributing to him flagrant negligence in the performance of the specific duty of going into all of the returns from each and every county and consolidating the vote of every one of them. He states the sum total of the votes apparently cast in the entire State, thus again evidencing the fact that he has either performed his duty by ascertaining this result from actual inspection of all the returns from each county (required by law to be separately mailed to him); or else he is stating as a fact matters which he has not investigated, votes that he has not counted, and results of which he knows nothing. Assuming that the Secretary of State has done his 'duty and examined severally and separately the returns from each and all of the counties and has correctly ascertained the total vote of all the counties, he has deducted from the vote cast against the proposed amendment 13,655 votes, and from the votes apparently cast in favor of the amendment 5,700 votes, as appears from returns of counties which he says should be thrown out and should be disregarded. With these deductions, he gives as the final figures the vote in favor of the amendment as 24,493, and the vote against the amendment 22,695, leaving a net majority in favor of the adoption of the amendment of 1,848 votes. What more could possibly be shown as necessary to complete the ratification of the amendment, except the proclamation by the Governor ? And as we have already shown, the absence of this paper or the non-performance of this duty by the Governor was not essential to perfect the ratification.
In the opinion of the majority it is held that it is not now adjudicated “whether as a court, upon a record properly presenting the question, we would have jurisdiction to decide whether a proposed amendment to the constitution was ratified, without a declaration to that effect made by the officer clothed with the author
I am therefore of the opinion that the court cannot in the case now before us hold, as stated in the opinion of the majority, “that before a court could hold that the amendment had been ratified, it must appear that the Governor actually declared it ratified, unless the question of ratification or non-ratification is presented in this court in a record properly raising the question for judicial determination.” What will constitute a record properly raising this question? It is said in the opinion of the majority: “that would involve, along with the presentation of the question, a proper exhibit of all the facts necessary for its determination.” The majority asserts: “that is not done in this case.” It is upon that point that I differ with the majority. If it be conceded, as I think it must be, that the Secretary of State is presumed to have examined all of the returns of all of the counties (and that he must have done this is apparent from his statement of the total vote of the State, exclusive of the counties whose returns were not certified as required by law), if he examined the returns of all the counties and, upon examining the returns of thirty-four of them, stated the exact facts as to what these returns disclosed, then all the facts are exhibited which are necessary for us to determine the question which the Secretary of State, as a merely ministerial officer, could not decide, and which the Governor would not undertake to decide; and therefore we have before us every fact that can be ascertained to enable us to reach a conclusion upon the question presented. Then the question resolves itself purely into one-of law, as hereinbefore stated, and the failure on the part of this court to make a decision cannot be based upon the lack of a proper “exhibit of all the facts necessary for its determination.” In fact,' the opinion of the majority proceeds finally to admit impliedly that there is a record properly raising the question; for the opinion proceeds to rule that the “consolidated returns of counties should
It may be insisted that the proper remedy is to be found in the writ of mandamus, by which the declaration of the result can be compelled. As hereinbefore stated, it is perfectly plain that the Secretary of State has already ascertained the result to be a majority of 1,848 in favor of the adoption of the proposed amendment. Neither the statements nor the conclusions of the Secretary of State are open to conjecture or subject to misunderstanding. Properly construing, as he did, the act of 1922 (Acts 1922, p. 28), the Secretary of State properly held that his duty was merely ministerial and that he could not declare the amendment carried, and could only declare, as he did, the “result,” so that nothing remained to be done except the issuance of the proclamation by the Governor, as required .by the aforementioned act. The Governor has not issued any proclamation, and it is said that for this reason if no other the amendment was not adopted. We have already quoted from Hammond v. Clark, supra, the ruling of this court in that case to the effect that whether or not an amendment to the constitution has been adopted is ultimately a matter of judicial determination; and whether the further ruling that this is true without regard to any proclamation of the Governor is obiter or not, it is, in my opinion, sound law. Otherwise, if in any case any constitutional amendment, no matter how important, were submitted to the people with a provision that the Governor should issue a proclamation and declare whether the amendment had been ratified or not, and any Governor should fail or refuse to issue such proclamation, the amendment would be defeated although it should have received the practically unanimous approval of the people at the polls; for the Governor is not subject to the writ of mandamus. It was held by Judge Warner in the case of Lowe v. Towns, 8 Ga. 360, that under our form of democracy with the distinct, separate and independent operation of the independent branches of the government, legislative, judicial, and executive, from political reasons, if no other, the Governor of the State could not be subjected to mandamus. He points out in this decision that unlike England, where the courts are the king’s courts and the judges his judges,
As I have heretofore stated, this opinion has no reference to his Excellency Governor Hardwick, because, seemingly entertaining the same view of the law as I do, he held, I think very properly, in this case, that the matter should be submitted to judicial determination for a distinct ruling on the legal question whether the counties which the Secretary of State said should be thrown out and disregarded should be thus treated in advance of the proclamation.