Lead Opinion
delivered the opinion of the Court.
This case raises questions concerning the relative rights of war veteran and nonveteran employees to retention in government service when a program of reduction in the number of government civilian employees makes it necessary for some to be chosen for discharge. The acute point of controversy is this: In the treatment of permanent tenure civil service employees, should qualified honorably discharged war veterans, merely because they are such, be retained in preference to nonveterans, even though those nonveterans have served the Government a substantially longer time than the veterans. The questions depend upon whether certain regulations promulgated by the Civil Service Commission are valid under a proper interpretation of controlling statutes.
The petitioner was for twelve years, from 1934 to 1946, a duly appointed permanent status civil service employee working in the Charleston Navy Yard. His work was of such high quality as to earn him an efficiency rating of “Excellent.” By successive promotions, he arrived at the responsible position of Leadingman Shipfitter at a basic wage of $12.08 per day. January 7, 1946, shortly after the post-hostility reduction of governmental employees began, petitioner was demoted to a position paying $10.08 per day as part of a reduction in force. This demotion apparently was due in part to the fact that he did not have a veteran's preference. October 7, 1946,
The civil service regulations said to require termination of petitioner’s active service divide government employees into three main groups — A, B, and C. Group A, which has the highest priority for retention, is composed of “permanent employees”; groups B and C are composed of employees with limited tenures of employment. Group A is divided into five subgroups, the first three of which are of particular importance here. These three subgroups are:
Subgroup A-l Plus, (Veterans of World War II) for a one-year period after return to duty;
Subgroup A-l, Veterans’ preference employees with “good” (or higher) efficiency ratings;
Subgroup A-2, Employees without veterans’ preference with “good” (or higher) efficiency ratings.1
The result of these Commission groupings is that A-l Plus veterans have the highest retention priority; A-l the second; and A-2, in which, not having a veteran’s preference, petitioner is classified, has the third. Thus
After receiving notice of his one-year furlough, petitioner filed this complaint in district court for declaratory judgment, mandamus, and other relief. The defendants were the Secretary of the Navy and the members of the Civil Service Commission. The complaint charged that petitioner’s demotion and furlough were the result of the Commission’s regulations which prescribed retention priorities for veterans’ preference employees in A-l Plus and A-l over all nonveteran employees without regard to the longer periods of service of some of the nonveteran employees, including petitioner. The failure of the Commission to consider relative length of service in establishing these retention priorities was charged to be “unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious, without statutory warrant, and contrary to the express provisions” of applicable statutes. The petitioner’s prayer was that the Commission’s A-l Plus and A-l classifications be declared void, that the Secretary of the Navy be compelled to restore him to his original position as Leadingman Shipfitter, that the Commission be required to rescind the regulations and promulgate new ones in accordance with law, and that “such other and further relief as is just” be granted him. After answer and certain stipulations of fact, both parties moved for summary judgment and the government’s motion was granted. The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia affirmed. 83 U. S. App. D. C. —, 165 F. 2d 251. Importance of the questions raised prompted us to grant certiorari. 333 U. S. 841.
First. While admitting petitioner’s right to challenge the validity of Subgroup A-l in this action, the Government contends that he cannot challenge A-l Plus. The premise of this argument is that, even if A-l Plus were invalid, the veterans grouped in it would fall within
Second. The Government finds support for Subgroup A-l Plus in § 8 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, 54 Stat. 885, 890, 50 U. S. C. § 308. That section provides reemployment rights to any person who under that Act left a position other than a temporary one in order to perform training and service in the armed
There appears to be little room for contention that there is ambiguity in the language that Congress selected to express its purpose to require the restoration of a former government employee who entered the armed forces to his old position and to give him the right to retention for a year. The language is that such an employee “shall be restored” to his position or to one like it, supplemented by language that he “shall not be discharged from such position without cause within one year after such restoration.” We have examined the legislative history of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 and find nothing whatever which faintly suggests that Congress intended its language to be less mandatory than implied by the words it used. The command in § 8 (b) (A) that the Federal Government rehire its returning veteran employees contrasted sharply with the requirement in § 8 (b) (B) that a private employer need not reemploy such a veteran when “the employer’s circumstances have so changed as to make it impossible or unreasonable to do so.” This difference was noted by the congressional sponsors of the 1940 Act, who thought that the Federal Government should set an example to private industry by providing jobs for all returning veteran employees.
Petitioner contends, however, that this Court’s interpretations of § 8 (b) (B) and § 8 (c) in Trailmobile Co. v. Whirls, 331 U. S. 40, and in Fishgold v. Sullivan Drydock & Repair Corp., 328 U. S. 275, require a holding that the regulations establishing A-l Plus are invalid. The Trailmobile case dealt only with the obligations of a private employer to veterans after the first year of their return to his employment, and our holding there is of no relevance here. In the other case, Fishgold, following his discharge from the armed forces, had been restored to his old position by his former private employer. Within one year thereafter temporary layoffs became necessary on each of nine days. Fishgold was laid off while nonvet-erans with longer service were continuously kept at work in accordance with a collective bargaining agreement which required that “decreases” in the working force be based primarily upon “length of service.” This Court held that since Fishgold’s layoffs were temporary, he still retained an employment relationship, and thus had not been “discharged” within the meaning of § 8 (c). The statute was held not to require that when slack work compelled a private employer to lay off some workers temporarily a veteran restored to his job be given continuous work for one year after his reinstatement in preference to other nonveteran employees who under the terms of company employer-employee contract were entitled to such work by reason of their greater “length of service.”
There are several reasons why we cannot accept petitioner’s argument that the Fishgold case requires the invalidation of the A-l Plus classification. In the first place, we are here concerned with the one-year retention
Thus Congress, evidently considering that there were significant differences in industrial and governmental employment practices and potentialities, imposed obligations to rehire returning veterans of a markedly different nature upon government and private employers. It did not define the “unreasonable or impossible” circumstances that might relieve a private employer of the duty to rehire veterans, nor need we attempt to do so now. But it is plain that such circumstances might conceivably be such as seriously to affect, not only the reasonableness and possibility of rehiring, but also the reasonableness and possibility of retaining him for a full year’s continuous work. For this reason, among others, interpretation of § 8 (c)’s prohibition against discharge of a returning veteran must be made in light of whether he returns to a government-guaranteed or to a private non-guaranteed job. Therefore § 8 (c)’s prohibition against “discharge” by a private employer cannot be accepted as determinative of the scope of the congressional prohibition against “discharge” by the Government.
Finally, the Fishgold decision held only that a temporary layoff did not violate a veteran’s right under § 8 (c) not to be discharged without cause for one year after he had been restored to his old job. Here the petitioner asserts that the statutory one-year prohibition against discharge confers upon a reemployed veteran no security from a furlough for one year without pay, that such a furlough is not a “discharge” within the meaning of
Third. Petitioner strongly urges invalidity of Subgroup A-l, which gives all permanent employee “Veterans with 'good’ or higher efficiency ratings” retention preferences over all nonveterans, even over nonveterans with higher efficiency ratings and longer government service. While conceding that under some limited circumstances veterans with “good or higher ratings” are granted preference by § 12 of the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944, petitioner
The part of the section on which petitioner particularly relies reads:
“In any reduction in personnel in any civilian service of any Federal agency, competing employees shall be released in accordance with Civil Service Commission regulations which shall give due effect to tenure of employment, military preference, length of service, and efficiency ratings: Provided, That the length of time spent in active service in the armed forces of the United States of each such employee shall be credited in computing length of total service . .
Petitioner interprets this portion of § 12 as a congressional command that the Commission must invariably give “due effect” to length of service in determining what employees, whether veterans or nonveterans, shall first be discharged in a reduction-of-force program. In effect he argues that the above language provides no other “military preference” in civil service for a veteran employee over a non veteran with greater “length of service” than that defined in the above proviso, namely, that the length of a veteran’s army service shall be credited in computing the length of his total government service.
“. . . Provided further, That preference employees whose efficiency ratings are 'good’ or better shall be retained in preference to all other competing employees and that preference employees whose efficiency ratings are below ‘good’ shall be retained in preference to competing nonpreference employees who have equal or lower efficiency ratings . . . .”
The Government interprets this proviso as a special withdrawal of the proviso-defined classes of veterans from the general terms of the first clause of § 12 relating to “length of service.” It views this proviso as the congressional creation of classes of veterans’ “preference employees”
In 1876, seventy-two years ago, Congress passed a law which required any executive department when making “any reduction of force” to “retain those persons who may be equally qualified who have been honorably discharged from the military or naval service of the United States, and the widows an.d orphans of deceased soldiers and sailors.” 19 Stat. 143, 169; 5 U. S. C. § 37.
Executive Order 4240 of June 4, 1925, as amended by Executive Order 5068 of March 2, 1929, provided, as does Subgroup A-l here, an absolute retention preference for veterans over nonveterans where the veterans’ efficiency ratings were “good,” and a similar absolute preference over nonveterans whose ratings were less than good if the veterans’ ratings were equal to those of the non-veterans. And at the time of passage of the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944, there were 1943 Civil Service Regulations outstanding
Not only did the friends of the Veterans’ Preference Act explain to the Senate Committee on Civil Service and to the Congress the broad preferences the Act would grant. Hostile witnesses graphically pointed out to the Senate Committee what they deemed would be the unfairness of the Act’s effect if passed as written. One such witness representing the Civil Service Reform League said: “I think you ought to give consideration to . . . retention of veterans in civil service regardless of length of service. I do not think it is fair, a veteran be retained in service who has been in the service 6 months as against a person who has been in the service 25 years. I believe some distinction might be made, otherwise you would do a grave injustice to those people who have long years of service in civil service.”
Thus Congress passed the bill with full knowledge that the long standing absolute retention preferences of veterans would be embodied in the Act. Petitioner makes an appealing argument against this policy. But it is a policy adopted by Congress, and our responsibility is to interpret the Act, not to overrule the congressional policy.
The remaining two subgroups of A, not involved here, are:
Subgroup A-3, Veterans with efficiency ratings lower than "good.”
Subgroup A-4, Non veterans with efficiency ratings lower than “good.” 5 Code Fed. Reg. (Supp. 1945) § 12.303, now found in 5 Code Fed. Reg. (Supp. 1947) §20.3 (a).
Hearings before House Committee on Military Affairs on H. R. 10132, 76th Cong., 3d Sess. 80-82, 118, 235; 86 Cong. Rec. 11697.
See 40 Ops. Atty. Gen., No. 115 (Sept. 20, 1946), p. 7, referring to Opinion, Attorney General Mitchell in 1929, interpreting Executive Order 5068, March 2, 1929. The substance of that Order is set out in this opinion at p. 337.
The Act not only provides preferences for veterans but under certain circumstances grants preferences to veterans’ wives, widows and mothers. § 2, 5 U. S. C. § 851, as amended by 62 Stat. 3. See H. R. Rep. No. 1289,78th Cong., 2d Sess. 3.
Disabled veterans had been granted employment preferences in 1S65. 13 Stat. 571. This statutory policy was expressly preserved by § 7 of the Civil Service Act of 1883, 22 Stat. 403, 406, 5 U. S. C. § 638, was carried forward in other Acts, and has been repeated in a most comprehensive manner in § 2 of the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944.
It is of interest that this legislative expression, like the one before us, was a proviso in a section, and that the section as a whole had to do with the manner in which the Civil Service Commission should provide for efficiency ratings in relation to promotions, demotions and dismissals of civil service employees.
§ 7, Executive Order 3567, October 24,1921.
Executive Order 3801, March 3,1923.
Departmental Circular 146, U. S. Civil Service Comm’n, October 22,1936.
5 Code Fed. Reg. (Supp. 1943) §§ 12.301-12.313. These regulations, like those attacked here, separated all civil service employees into different categories according to their tenure, with permanent mployees having the highest retention status. Thus all permanent employees, regardless of veterans’ preference and of efficiency rating, enjoyed priority over all employees with limited tenures.
Hearings before Senate Committee on Civil Service on S. 1762 and H. R. 4115,78th Cong., 2d Sess. 8-9.
Id. at 29.
Id. at 27,29.
Three veterans’ organizations collaborated with the legislative sponsors in drafting the Act. Hearings before Senate Committee on Civil Service on S. 1762 and H. R. 4115, 78th Cong., 2d Sess. 8. A representative of one of these organizations stated to the Committee: “This measure gives to honorably discharged veterans of World War I and World War II, their widows, and the wives of disabled veterans who themselves are not qualified, preference in employment where Federal funds are disbursed. It provides, by law, a definite preference both in appointment and retention in Federal positions. While such a preference in many instances now exists by virtue of Executive orders and Civil Service Commission regulations, this bill gives such preference a permanent standing that cannot be changed except by congressional action. The bill, likewise, does not take away from the veteran any rights previously granted under any existing law, Executive order, civil-service rule, or regulation of any department of the Government, but prescribes by law additional preferences and confirms many now existing by regulation.” Id. at 41-42.
90 Cong. Rec. 3502,3503, 3505.
Hearings before Senate Committee on Civil Service on S. 1762 and H. R. 4115,78th Cong., 2d Sess. 33-34.
Id. at 63, 65.
It is worthy of note, however, that Congress, in recognition of hardships resulting from replacement of older government employees
Concurrence Opinion
I agree with the conclusion reached by the Court in this case. My disagreement with the opinion is limited
The rights to retention of employment of both veterans are governed by the same subsection 8 (c). 54 Stat. 890, 50 U. S. C. § 308. Section 8 (c) specifies the same conditions for retention of employment for all employees whether they are reemployed by the United States or by private employers.
Nothing has come to my attention that indicates to me a congressional purpose to grant to one more rights as to continuity of employment than to the other. The legislation as to both depended upon the same constitutional authority — the War Power. I can see no reason to attribute to Congress an intention to guarantee public employment to a returning veteran regardless of the needs of the public service or to discriminate between equally deserving veterans. Compare Fishgold v. Sullivan Dry Dock & Repair Corp., 328 U. S. 275.
Concurrence Opinion
I concur in the result. But I do so without expressing opinion concerning the validity of Subgroup A-l Plus of the Regulations. That classification, as I understand it and the Court’s construction of it, gives preference for retention for one year in governmental work to vet
But I do not reach that question, because Subgroup A-l does take account of efficiency. It gives preference to veterans unless their efficiency rating is less than “good.” No specific mention of length of service is made. But while a classification which ignores all considerations both of efficiency and of length of service might be found unauthorized under the statutory scheme,
Since in my view Regulation A-l is valid, regardless of whether A-l Plus should stand, and since on the facts now before us Regulation A-l is sufficient to exclude petitioner from restoration at this time, I do not think he has made a sufficient showing to call forth the exercise of our discretionary power in this proceeding to require the Commission to reformulate the Regulations. Upon the showing made the case is not one appropriate, in my judgment, for application of the discretionary remedy of a declaratory judgment.
Depending upon whether § 8 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, 54 Stat. 890, 50 U. S. C. App. § 308, requiring restoration to employment and forbidding discharge without cause for one year, has been qualified by the later enactment of § 12 of the Veterans’ Preference Act, 58 Stat. 390, 5 U. S. C. (Supp. V, 1946) § 861, quoted in the Court’s opinion, particularly the second proviso. See note 2.
The second proviso, cf. note 1, specifies that preference employees (i. e., veterans) with efficiency ratings of “good” or better shall be retained in preference to “all other competing employees,” a designation certainly of the most comprehensive scope. The very terms of the section appear thus to place much greater stress upon efficiency ratings than upon length of service.
The practice in relation to these positions has been to withhold efficiency ratings, in this case, for a period of six months, and then to award them on the basis of actual performance.
Ordinarily, of course, rights are to be determined as of the time the interests involved are adversely affected. But it would seem hardly consistent with the legislative scheme that employees with deferred status could defeat the use of a reasonable period to determine the veteran’s efficiency rating by actual performance. In any event, the discretionary declaratory judgment remedy should not be applied to oust preference employees entitled to priority over others, even though their status as preference employees is established after trial but before final disposition of the cause on appellate review.