The-objeetioh .that .the defendants; were-not- liable upon- the note, having signed in the. character of- trustees, was- properly overruled. The addition of trustees; &e., is a mere; descriptio joersonarum. (9 John. 384.)
The, remedy: on the warranty was against' two persons, partners; and though the plaintiff was. one,- it is. questionable whether the defence for breach of warranty,, is- allowr such a-case,.
But waiving that questionit wasprovided.that if there,a breach of- warranty, the defendants shouldibe entitled to redress iby-having, the bell recast. Until there was a- refusal toN comply,, there .-was - no- right of action in the defendants. The evidence' was insufficient to show that the persons warranting were in default. As to Hanks; if it be conceded-: that he had., left': the county, for aught that, appears, Hills was- there, ready'and willing to-recast the bell; and yet no application was made to him. Damages for nonperformance-do notarise- in such a case, till neglect or,..after- a request to perform,
*It is not-necessary, however, to decide any thing more than that the defendants have not done enough to raise the question whether a breach of warranty can be a defence in mitigation of damages, when the action is brought on a note, the consideration of which was the sale of a chattel warranted; nor whether in such cases notice must be given.
The evidence having been properly overruled, the plaintiff is entitled to judgment.
Judgment for the plaintiff