Eminent domain; inverse condemnation; flowage easement; height and frequency of flooding; multi-purpose project; causation. — Plaintiffs seek just compensation for the alleged taking, by the Government, of a flowage easement over their farm above the elevation of 362 feet mean sea level. The claim arises from the death by drowning of a flock of approximately 4,500 turkeys on their farm on the night of November 24, 1973. The turkeys were drowned when the Arkansas River inundated the farm. Some years earlier, in 1967, in connection with the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (the System), the Government obtained by condemnation a flowage easement on part of plaintiffs’ farm to an elevation of 362 feet mean sea level. During the flooding, the crest of the river reached 363.5 feet at plaintiffs’ property. Plain