Heald v. Zoning Board of Appeals of Greenfield
The plaintiffs appealed to the Superior Court under G. L. c. 40A, § 17 (inserted by St. 1975, c. 808, § 3), from an adverse interpretation by the board of appeals of Greenfield of that town’s zoning by-law. The parties’ dispute revolves around whether, for purposes of application of the zoning by-law, the word "lot” should mean a lot as described in a deed, record plan, or other source of title, or should mean contiguous lots held in common ownership. We agree with the Superior Court judge that the latter interpretation is correct.
Greenfield first adopted a zoning by-law in 1957. At that time parcels 1, 2, and 3 were held in common ownership, although the deed into the common owners, James and Grace Roberts, described the land conveyed by references to three separate prior deed descriptions. As first enacted, the by-law defined "lot” as "a piece or parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by one main building and its accessory buildings.” The zoning map which accompanied this by-law established a commercial district along Federal Street "for depth of lot but not greater than 400 feet.” In his memorandum of decision and order for judgment (we refer to a substituted memorandum and order filed July 11,1977), the trial judge found that there was commercial use along Federal Street within one half mile in either direction from the locus. At its 1965 annual town meeting, Greenfield adopted various amendments to its zoning by-law, including a revised definition of "lot” which read:
Because the trial judge in his memorandum of decision and order for judgment concluded that lots in back of lots fronting on Federal Street could not be used for commercial purposes under the 1957 definition of "lot,” but that the 1965 amendment did allow back lots joined in common ownership with front lots to be used for commercial purposes, the interveners have labored strenuously in motions below and in their briefs on appeal to establish that the 1965 definition worked no material change in the 1957 definition. All parties agree that we must apply the 1965 by-law and that the only significance of the 1957 by-law is that, coupled with legislative history and the history of layouts of parcels on the locus, the 1957 by-law might serve as a guide to interpreting the applicable provision.
We are of the opinion that, under the 1957 definition of "lot,” a common owner of contiguous parcels which were described separately for conveyancing purposes could treat them as one lot for zoning purposes. Such an assembled lot could be the site for one main commercial building. A fortiori, a common owner could treat parcels with separate sources of title as one lot under the 1965 definition.
Even before the advent of zoning laws, our courts have held that- where contiguous parcels were conveyed as separate parcels, or designated as such on recorded plans, the whole tract constituted one "lot” of land for purposes of determining to what a mechanic’s lien might attach. Batchelder v. Rand, 117 Mass. 176, 178 (1875). Orr v. Fuller, 172 Mass. 597, 600 (1899). In the absence of speci
Clarke v. Board of Appeals of Nahant, 338 Mass. 473 (1959), upon which the defendants rely heavily, does not point to a different conclusion. There is no suggestion in Clarke that owners are chained to record descriptions
The defendants argue that such an interpretation of the Greenfield zoning by-law runs the risk of "pork chop” lots off Federal Street, such as parcel 1 on figure B of the sketch above, thus permitting the intrusion of commercial use into an otherwise residential area. As it stood in 1977, and if not amended since, the Greenfield zoning by-law may, indeed, permit this,
Because of our view that the text of the 1957 by-law was no more restrictive on the issue of assembly of parcels than the applicable by-law, i.e. that which was enacted in 1965, we need not consider legislative history surrounding adoption of the 1965 amendment tending to show that the town meeting did not intend to effect a change from the 1957 by-law in the ability of an owner to assemble lots.
The defendants have also argued that since, at all times material, parcels 1,2, and 3 were separately assessed, and at values suggesting residential use, this assessment history determines their status for zoning purposes. At best, assessment practices serve only as "some indication of the status of the property.” See fn. 6 in Lindsay v. Board of Appeals of Milton, supra at 131. Nothing in G. L. c. 40A
Judgment affirmed.
The by-laws, however, may not be read as permitting the creation of lots that are practically inaccessible. Gifford v. Planning Board of Nantucket, 376 Mass. 801, 808-809, 810 (1978).