The jury found a verdidt for the defendant.
On the above fadts, it was now moved, on the part of the plaintiff, to fet it afide, as contrary to evidence.
The adtion was to recover money lent : the defence, that it was given as an apprentice-fee. The queftion then is, whether from the evidence, it was á loan or a payment. That it was the former, is manifeft from the evidence of Noah, who faw the defendant’s letter, aiking to borrow money. If the money was a payment, it was lingular a requeft ihould be made to have it lent. It is not ufual for creditors to borrow their debts due, and give accountable receipts for the amount. The agreement on which the plaintiff’s fon went, is exprefsly proved ; he was to leave the defendant when he pleafed ; and the receipt was therefore worded as an accountable one ; becaufe, if the fon did not continue to complete his ftudies, only a proportionable fum was to be paid. The plaintiff did not contend the three hundred and feventy-five dollars were to be recovered without deduction; but that the defendant was not entitled to the whole, againft his agreement and his receipt. No argument could be drawn from the election of the fon, had it been clearly eftabliíhed : he was only fourteen years of age, and could not eledt without the concurrence, and under the con-, troul of his father. As to the defendant’s witneiles, their teftimony went to fadts perfedtly immaterial: the ground of the fuit was the agreement ; by that, no time was fpecified for eledting to leave the defendant: whenever the eledtion was made, and the plaintiff’s fon did leave the defendant, he was, upon his receipt, to account ; and, for fo much of the ufual time of ftudying under the tuition of the defendant as was unexpired, a deduction was to be made : thus, and thus only, the contradi in evidence, and the receipt could be confiftently explained.
Pendleton for the defendant. The application can fucceed only on two grounds ; either that the verdidt is againft the weight of evidence, or againft a rule of lawarifing out of the
fpe£t, to give another opportunity to weigh the credit of the fame witnefíes. This was never done, but when the teftimony was by foreign witnefíes, and taken abroad : then the court would do it to procure evidence of their credibility, becaufe the jury muft be ignorant of it; therefore, knowing only the credit of their own countrymen, they could not weigh it with that of foreigners, refiding abroad.
Hoffman, on the fame fide. The conflxuelion, mentioned by the eounfel affociated with me, is that which the jury put on the bill and receipt. A pro rata accountability, for one or two years, when it might pleafe the fon of the plaintiff to
Harrifon in reply. The plaintiff is contending for his fair and juft rights : if injuftice has been done, this court will interpofe, and grant a new trial. It is admitted, that there was a period when the whole fee was not due ; that is in evidence : there is no proof that at the end of four or five months the defendant could ereil himfelf into a judge, and think himfelf entitled to the fame fee as if the plaintiff’s fon had itaid with him four or five years. The principle infilled on by the plaintiff is one that is found in every volume of law. Chancery is full of decifions of apportionment of apprentice fees, which depend entirely on the quantum of fervices mutually rendered.
Per curiam. The plaintiff, on the trial of this caufe, gave in evidence a promiffory note of his own to the defendant. Elias Noah proves that this note was borrowed of the plaintiff by the defendant, on giving a receipt, promifing to be accountable to him for it. The defence" fet up is, that the note was a fee to the defendant for taking the plaintiff’s fon as an apprentice. A motion has been made to fet afide the ■ verdiff, as againft evidence, and obtain a new trial. This, the court are of opinion, ought to be granted.
The receipt given by the defendant, which was never taken up or called for, and the teftimony of Noah, both agree in proving the money to have been advanced upon loan; this teftimony remains in full force, notwithftanding any thing ' that was proven on the part of the defendant. What is related of the fon, that he was to be fome time on trial, is in confirmation of the agreement ftated by the plaintiff’s witnefs. The only circumftance of any weight on the part of the defendant, is the further confeifion of the fon that he was to pay three hundred and feventy-five dollars, and that he had been fome time on trial, and was then a regular ftudent. But this confeifion by the fon, without the knowledge or authority of the plaintiff, ought not to conclude him. The faff too, that the fon foon after left the defendant, and went to Europe, proves that the refervation in the original agreement had not been waived. In ihort, the evidence does not warrant a verdiff for the defendant; and a new trial muft be awarded, on payment of coils.
Lewis C. J. If the plaintiff is fatisfied that a proportion ihould be paid, might not a new trial be faved ?
T¡ie rei.ealxh. es of the report-an authority1'of thisdiftin£tioiu
Newton V. Rouse, 1 Vern. 100 guineas, part of an apprentice-fee was ordered to be repaid, the master having died within 3 weeks after iigning the articles, though they exprefsly mentioned £60 only ihould be returned, if the m after died within a year. But ice Hale v. Webb, 2 Bro. Ch. Rep. 80, where Lord Kenyon, then mailer of the Rolls, faid, the deciiion above .Tad carried the j’irifuiótion as iar as could be.