Hart v. Cleis
The action below was brought for a penalty incurred under the 6th section of the act concerning slaves and servants. (Laws, vol. 1. 612.) The special causes of demurrer stated upon the record, are not material; but the defendant relies upon what he alleges to' be defects, in substance, in the declaration, viz. that the plaintiff does not negative the excepted cases in the sec-3 lion, and that he does not aver that the defendant was master of the slave, or acted with his privity.
It is a sufficient answer to the first objection, that the exception forms no part of the plaintiff’s title or right of action, but is merely matter of excuse for the defendant. The excepted cases are not incorporated into the body -and substance of the enacting clause; but are given as ■exceptions, and the instances are not specified in that, but in the subsequent section. The law on this subject has
For these reasons, the judgment below ought to be reversed.