33 Barb. 537 | N.Y. Sup. Ct. | 1860
By the Gonrt,
The summons in this action, and the complaint, are entitled “ Samuel Hallett, president of the Bank of Hornellsville, v. G-abriel T. narrower,” and in the body of the summons the defendant is summoned to answer the complaint of “ Samuel Hallett, president of the Bank of Hornellsville, plaintiff.” The complaint commences as follows: “ Samuel Hallett, plaintiff in this action, complains against the defendant, and says that he is president of the Bank of Hornellsville, a moneyed corporation established and doing business at Hornellsville aforesaid, under and pursuant to an act entitled An act to authorize the business of banking,’ passed April 18, 1838, and the several acts amendatory thereof.” The complaint then proceeds to state that the defendant, as sheriff, took and carried away from the store and possession of William W. Fulton and Charles H. Payne certain goods and chattels, the property of said Fulton and Payne, and thereafter particularly described, and that afterwards, and before the commencement of this action, the said Payne and Fulton, for a good and valuable consideration to them paid by the said Bank of Hornellsville duly sold and assigned, transferred and set. oyer unto the said Bank of Honellsville the said goods and chattels and all the right, title, interest, claim and demand of, in and to the same, and all claim or demand growing out of the wrongful taking of the same. The action is brought to enforce the right thus acquired, and to recover the value of the goods and chattels so taken by the defendant.
The description of the plaintiff contained in the summons and in the title to the complaint, if the cause of action described had been one of mere private right, would be regarded as a mere descriptio persanes,. (Delafield v. Kinney, president of the Erie Bank, 24 Wend. 345. Hunt v. Van
Smith, Johnson and Knox, Justices.]
Hew trial granted; costs to abide the event.