Hagge v. Moran
The defendant in error, John Moran, brought an action against the plaintiff in error, and defendants in error, Thomas E. and Mary A. McNamara, alleging a mutual mistake in the description of certain lands as described in a deed from Moran to McNamara, and a deed from McNamara to Hagge, and praying for a reformation of said deeds and for general relief. Hagge alone answered, denying that there was any mistake in the deeds. The District Court found in favor of the plaintiff below and entered a decree accordingly, from which Hagge brings error.
The main contention of plaintiff in error is that the decision of the District Court is not sustained by sufficient
It appears that Hagge and Moran were not on friendly terms, and that Hagge desired to purchase certain land owned by Moran, and in order to do so procured McNamara to purchase it for him. Bioth Hagge and his wife testified, in substance, that at the time the arrangement was made with McNamara they had a map or plat of the township in which the land was situated and marked each forty-acre tract they desired to purchase by placing an X' thereon, with pen and ink. That McNamara did hot take the plat or make any memorandum of the forties so marked. That the land they desired was land which Moran had “script.” It appears that in pursuance of that arrangement McNamara met Moran in Cheyenne; that they went to the court house, accompanied ¡by their attorney, and endeavored to ascertain the descriptions of the lands to be conveyed. After doing so they gave to the attorney the descriptions of the lands which they had selected, to be inserted in the deed, which was done, and are -as follows: “The north half of the northwest quarter (N^4 NW^), the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (SE% NWJ4) an<I the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (NW^4 SWj4) of section twenty-six (26), and the south half of the southeast quarter (Sj4 SEJ4), section twenty-seven (27), in township thirty (30) north of range sixty-nine (69) west of the 6th principal meridian, the whole containing 240 acres, be the same more or less.” The alleged mistake being that a part of the .lands intended to be described and conveyed was the south half of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-six instead of the south half of the southeast quarter of said section twenty-seven. We think it clearly appears that
“1. That the assessment schedule of the lands of the plaintiff in the year 1909 was made out by the county assessor’s office upon the statement of the plaintiff that he could not describe his lands and that the description could be procured from the county records; the assessment schedule of the defendant Hagge was executed by him on May 14, 1909, and did not describe either tract of land in controversy; that both tracts of land in controversy were assessed to the plaintiff in the year 1909, and the taxes upon the same were paid by him.
*224 “2. That the assessment schedule of the lands of the defendant Hagge for the year 1910 was not made out by him, but was made out by the county assessor’s office, and the assessment schedule of the lands of the plaintiff for the year 1910 was made out by the county assessor’s office and signed by the plaintiff after the first schedule signed by him had been returned for the purpose of making corrections which the plaintiff stated he could not make; that in the year 1910 the south half of the southeast quarter of section 27, township 30, range 69, was assessed to the defendant Hagge and the taxes thereon paid by him, and the south half of the northeast quarter of section 26 in said township was assessed to the plaintiff and the taxes thereon paid by him.
“3. That in the.year 1911 the assessment schedule of the lands of the plaintiff was signed by him, and included neither of the tracts in controversy;, the assessment schedule of the lands of the defendant Hagge for the said year was executed by him and included the south half of the northeast quarter of said section 26, the tax upon which land was assessed against the defendant Hagge and paid by him; that in the year 1911 the south half of the southeast quarter of said section 27 was not assessed to any person, and no one paid the tax thereon.
“4. That in the year 1912 the assessment schedule of the lands of the defendant Hagge was executed by him and included the south half of the northeast quarter of said section 26, and also the west half of the southeast quarter of said section 27, and said lands were assessed to him and the tax thereon paid by him; that the assessment schedule of the lands of the plaintiff for the said year was executed by him, with an added note that he was not certain of the descriptions, and did not include either tract of land in controversy, neither of which was assessed to him nor the taxes thereon paid by him. The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 27 was not assessed to anyone in the year 1912, and no one paid any taxes thereon.”
It is also contended.that Moran was guilty of laches in not sooner commencing his action. But we do not think that position well taken. While Hagge'made some claim of ownership of the 80 in 27 in 1912 or 1913, he did hot attempt to take possession until July, 1914, and the action was commenced January 8, 1915.
There is a further reason why this court cannot disturb the decision of the District Court on the ground of the insufficiency of the evidence. Several witnesses testified from maps or plats which are in evidence; but in doing so evi