In the evening of the first day of April, 1894, the plaintiff fell on a sidewalk of the ■defendant, and received the injuries for which she :seeks to recover. About ten days before the accident .occurred a new sidewalk was built in front of the ■premises of one Mrs. Scanlon. That walk was a continuation of an old walk in front of the premises of .one Windrem, and at the place where they were connected the new walk was a few inches higher than the old one, the difference in height being variously .estimated by witnesses at from two to. eight inches. The plaintiff claims that it was from four to six inches, and that at the time of the accident a two-inch plank about six inches wide and five feet long had •been placed across the end of the lower walk, next to ■the end of the other, in such a manner as to make a low step; that she was walking •along the Scanlon walk, and when she reached
Graham v. Town of Oxford
105 Iowa 705
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