Grace Community Church v. Planning & Zoning Commission
This is an appeal from the denial by the defendant planning and zoning commission of the town of Bethel (commission) of a special permit to construct a church building in a residential zone. The appeal addresses, among other issues, whether municipal zoning laws can exclude churches as a permitted use anywhere in the municipality and whether denial of a special permit for a church violates the state and federal constitutions. The plaintiff, Grace Community Church, has also raised these constitutional questions in a direct attack on the zoning regulations of the town of Bethel in a separate action for a declaratory judgment that was consolidated for trial with this appeal. Grace Community Church v. Bethel, Superior Court, judicial district of Danbury, Docker No. 306994S (March 17, 1992).
The plaintiff is an ecclesiastical church corporation and the owner of a 13.6 acre parcel of land on Walnut Hill Road in Bethel. The property is in a residential area and in the R-40 zone.
The plaintiff is a nondenominational church with approximately 500 members but no church building. The congregation has been using Brookfield High School on Sundays for religious services and related church activities. The plaintiff previously obtained approval from the commission on July 26, 1988 for a special permit and a related site plan for a church building on the 13.6 acre parcel of land. That approval was overturned on procedural grounds when abutting property owners brought a successful appeal to the Superior Court.
The plaintiff then submitted another application to the commission for a special permit and site plan approval substantially similar to the prior application with a slightly smaller building. While the site has frontage on both Walnut Hill Road and Weed Road, the two *Page 258
proposed driveways for the site were both off Walnut Hill Road. The proposed church building contained about 19,000 square feet covering less than one-half acre of the site. The commission approved the site plan on June 26, 1990. After the plaintiff filed the second special permit application on July 10, 1990, the commission scheduled a public hearing on the application for August 14, 1990, and referred it to several town officials and agencies for their review. Their reports back to the commission were favorable and any modifications or conditions which were suggested were either of no concern to the commission, agreed to by the plaintiff or were not relevant to the grounds of the commission's decision. There was an extensive public hearing on August 14, 1990, which was continued to September 4, 1990, and September 11, 1990. There was both support for and opposition to the application. Both sides had traffic experts who had prepared reports, discussed them and answered questions. On October 9, 1990, the commission extensively discussed the application and voted to deny it on the basis of § 118-21H(3) of the zoning regulations of the town of Bethel, a general provision concerning traffic conditions. That was the only concern of the commission as reflected in the minutes of its decision-making session, and the only reason assigned for denial of the application. The plaintiff appealed to this court within fifteen days after publication of the agency's decision as required by General Statutes §
As the owner of the property that was the subject of the special permit application, the plaintiff is aggrieved by the denial of its application. Winchester Woods Associates v. Planning Zoning Commission,
This appeal raises both constitutional and nonconstitutional claims. Issues that were raised in the appeal but not briefed by the plaintiff, such as a claim that denial of the special permit is an unconstitutional taking of the property, are considered abandoned. Shaw v. Planning Commission,
Most of the land in the town of Bethel is in one of five single family residence zones. Permitted uses in the single family residence zones include, among other uses: (1) one single family dwelling per lot; (2) certain types of home or professional offices and customary home occupations; (3) community recreation facilities, not include an amusement park or privately owned facility; (4) farming, dairy, truck or nursery gardening; (5) a public library; (6) a public recreational facility operated by a governmental unit; and (7) a family day care home. Bethel Zoning Regs. § 118-24(A) (1980). About thirty additional uses are allowed by a special permit in residential zones. Section 118-24(B). They include the use applied for by the plaintiff, a "[c]hurch, parish hall and parish housing, including a convent or other similar residence for clergy." Churches are allowed only with a special permit in all residential zones and some commercial zones, which comprise most of the land in the town. They are not a permitted use in any zone. Other uses allowed in residential zones by special permit include clubs, community center buildings, day care or nursery schools, fire stations, kennels, libraries or museums operated by nonprofit corporations, nursing or convalescent homes, police stations, post offices, private golf, tennis or swim clubs, schools, town highway facilities and town *Page 260 halls. Special permits require approval of a site plan which has numerous specific requirements. Bethel Zoning Regs. §§ 118-24(C) and 118-34(B). Other requirements for special permit approval are contained in § 118-21, which includes subsection H which provides: "Notwithstanding any other provision of this regulation, no special permit shall be approved unless the Planning Zoning Commission shall have found that: (1) The proposed use will have no detrimental effect on present and future dwellings in the vicinity. (2) The proposed architecture, site plan and landscaping are in harmony with the character of the neighborhood. (3) No conditions will be created which will adversely affect traffic."
The commission members agreed at their meeting on October 9, 1990, that the proposed church building and site plan complied with subsections 118-21(H)(1) and (2), namely, that the proposed use did not have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood, and the proposed design of the building and site were consistent with the character of the neighborhood. Their concern, and the reason for denial, was based on traffic conditions and interpretation of subsection 118-21(H)(3) of the zoning regulations.
When a land use agency, such as a zoning commission, acts upon a special permit, it is required to give reasons for its action. General Statutes §
When acting upon a special permit, a zoning commission acts in an administrative capacity. Sheridan v. Planning Board,
A church is allowed in a residential zone with a special permit, and the commission did not find noncompliance with any specific standards in the zoning regulations. The commission did not resolve conditions for traffic control devices that would prevent traffic problems, although it discussed them, because a majority of the commission thought the special permit *Page 262 should be denied for noncompliance with the general regulation concerning traffic conditions. There was a difference of opinion between the commission members themselves, and between the parties to this appeal, as to the meaning and application of § 118-21(H)(3).
If a special permit application conforms with the standards in the statutes and the agency's existing regulations, it must be approved. A.P. W. Holding Corporation v. Planning Zoning Board,
On appeal, the court reviews the record before the agency and determines whether the reasons assigned are reasonably supported by the record and whether they are pertinent to the considerations that the commission is required to apply under the zoning regulations. Housatonic Terminal Corporation v. Planning Zoning Board, supra, 306; Holt-Lock, Inc. v. Zoning Planning Commission,
General Statutes §
The commission did not expressly make a finding of traffic congestion, although it was bothered by the conflicting conclusions in the two 1990 traffic studies and attempted to reconcile them. The conflicting opinions should not have been surprising, and are reminiscent of another case where the court noted: "Most of the *Page 265
oral testimony before the commission consisted of glowing statements by the proponents' attorneys on the advantages to the community of the project, while the attorneys for the opponents painted a gloomy picture of the effect upon the neighborhood if the gargantuan plans received approbation. Each side produced experts, or reports by experts, in the fields of traffic control and town planning. Their opinions favored the view of their employers." Whalen v. Town Plan
Zoning Commission,
Access to the site is off Walnut Hill Road, a substantial distance from the intersection of Weed Road to the west and Old Hawleyville Road to the east. The sight distances from the proposed entrance on Walnut Hill road are about 620 feet to the west and 450 feet to the east, well in excess of the minimum sight distance of 200 feet for a road with a posted speed limit of twenty-five miles per hour. If the church is built, the Sunday peak hour for traffic will be between noon and 1:00 p.m. The present traffic volume in both directions on Walnut Hill Road for the peak hour is sixty-nine vehicles. Vehicle traffic for Weed Road and Old Hawleyville Road at their intersections with Walnut Hill Road are forty and 515 vehicles per hour respectively. With a projected attendance at church services of 508 persons, the site would generate 245 vehicle trips on Walnut Hill *Page 266 Road during the peak hour, with fifteen vehicles entering and 230 vehicles leaving the property. The applicant's report projected that 220 of the 230 vehicles leaving the site would go easterly on Walnut Hill Road to the Old Hawleyville Road intersection. There is a stop sign on Walnut Hill Road at the Old Hawleyville Road intersection, but no traffic control device on Old Hawleyville Road. It was projected that 150 of the 220 vehicles would make a left turn on Old Hawleyville Road and proceed to a traffic light at Newtown Road (Route 6). The other ten cars leaving the site would proceed westerly on Walnut Hill Road to the Weed Road intersection. There is no traffic control device on Walnut Hill Road but there is a stop sign on Weed Road. Both reports were in agreement that the present level of service in both directions on Walnut Hill Road is either service level A or B and that the additional traffic from the church site that turned westerly on Walnut Hill Road to Weed Road would not significantly change those levels.
Levels of service are rated A through F by traffic engineers, and are used to describe traffic flow conditions. The capacity of a roadway or intersection is defined as "the maximum rate of vehicles which have a reasonable expectation of passing a given section of a lane or roadway during a given time period under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions." Prevailing conditions take into account physical operating conditions and traffic characteristics including roadway alignment, number and width of lanes, direction of traffic, traffic control devices and other factors. Vehicle capacity determines the ability of a roadway or intersection to accommodate traffic under various levels of service. The levels of service are a measure of factors which influence the amount of traffic congestion, including speed and travel time, traffic interruption, safety and delays. Service level A is the best condition. Service *Page 267 level F is characterized by volumes greater than the roadway capacity as complete congestion occurs, and is considered unacceptable for the operation of traffic. Service level E is defined as the actual capacity of the roadway and involves delay to all motorists due to congestion; it is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay, with delays of forth to sixty seconds per vehicle. Service level F involves delays of over sixty seconds. A level of service for unsignalized intersections is stated in terms of reserve or unused capacity of the approach lane in question, measured in additional vehicles per hour.
There was a significant difference of opinion on the level of service at the Walnut Hill road intersection with Old Hawleyville Road resulting from an additional 220 vehicles during the peak hour. The applicant's report anticipated a service level between A and C while the opponents' report anticipated service level F because of cars making a left turn at the intersection onto Old Hawleyville Road. A related consideration was that there had been thirty accidents at the intersection in a five and one-half year period.
Walnut Hill Road is generally twenty to twenty-one feet in width, and there were only two accidents in five and one-half years at the Weed Road intersection with Walnut Hill Road. The applicant's traffic study did not address service levels at that intersection, although it should have been obvious to the commission that with the small number of vehicles involved it would be service level A. The opponents' report argued that a higher percentage of cars leaving the site would proceed westerly on Walnut Hill Road to that intersection and then proceed northerly on Weed Road to Route 6. The report did not indicate whether going the opposite direction on Walnut Hill Road would improve the service level at the Old Hawleyville Road intersection. The *Page 268 opponents' report also questioned the adequacy of the sight distances and the width of the roadways near the site.
The minutes of the commission's discussion of the conflicting traffic reports shows concern and confusion on its part regarding whether there was adequate compliance with the regulation. While there was some discussion about changes in traffic control devices at the Walnut Hill Road and Old Hawleyville Road intersection, the commission was uncertain whether it could act because it did not have direct control over such changes. In fact, the commission could have approved the special permit conditional upon a modification of traffic control devices at the intersection. Lurie v. Planning Zoning Commission of Westport,
The plaintiff claims that the general, vague standard relied upon by the commission was inadequate to prevent approval of the special permit. Subsection 118-21(H)(3) requires the commission to find that "[n]o conditions will be created which will adversely affect traffic." Several concepts support the plaintiff's position. Zoning regulations, which are in derogation of common law property rights, should not be construed to include or exclude by implication matters that are not clearly within their expressed terms. Planning
Zoning Commission v. Gilbert,
Part of the commission's problem in applying the regulation resulted from the vagueness of the regulation itself. Administrative regulations must have adequate, fixed and sufficient standards to guide the agency in their application to avoid decisions that allow the agency to interpret the regulations in more than one manner and apply them arbitrarily. Ghent v. Planning Commission,
In the final analysis, despite the conflicting evidence and uncertainty as to the meaning of the regulation, the commission voted down the application by only a four to three vote. In addition, it had previously approved virtually the same application in 1988, although that approval was appealed and reversed on a procedural ground (Hehl v. Bethel Planning Zoning Commission, Superior Court, judicial district of Danbury, Docket No. 295893S (July 18, 1990), appeal sustained for receipt of evidence after the public hearing).
There is a well established concept in the administrative law of this state that prohibits an administrative law of this state that prohibits and administrative agency from reversing its prior decision unless the facts and circumstances that resulted in the decision have sufficiently changed to affect materially the reason that produced and supported the decision and no vested *Page 271
rights have intervened. Laurel Beach Assn. v. Zoning Board of Appeals,
An administrative agency which has acted on a special permit application is not allowed to reverse itself unless a change of circumstances intervenes that materially affects the merits of the case, except that it can grant a second application which has been substantially changed to meet the objections the agency had to the original application. Rocchi v. Zoning Board of Appeals,
There is no evidence of changed conditions from the time of the prior approval. While the opponents retained a traffic engineer to oppose the application, his report relied primarily upon the data of the proponent's traffic expert from both the 1988 and 1990 applications, even though the two experts reached different conclusions. For material changes to exist since the prior application, there should be some evidence of changed conditions in the immediate vicinity of the subject property connected with the reason for disapproval of the second application. See Burr v. Rago,
The plaintiff contends in both the present case and in the declaratory judgment action that special standards apply because the right to the free exercise of religion is involved, and that the zoning regulations are unconstitutional and violate several provisions of the federal and state constitutions. The right to raise such claims in a land use appeal is limited. As the defendants claim, Connecticut adheres to a rule that a party who makes an application under a zoning or other land use ordinance is precluded in the same proceeding from raising the question of its constitutionality. Bierman v. Planning Zoning Commission,
Several cases in this state have involved the application of zoning regulations to churches. In West Hartford Methodist Church v. Zoning Board of Appeals,
Cases from other states have held that it is illegal for a municipality to exclude churches in all zones, from all residential zones, to allow them in the municipality only with a special permit, or have held that there was no compelling reason to deny a special permit. Islamic Center of Mississippi v. Starkville,
These cases are based on the concept that such zoning restrictions must yield to the right of freedom of religion protected by the
The Supreme Court in Burns v. Barrett,
Even though the commission must grant a special permit to the plaintiff, it has the right to attach reasonable conditions necessary to protect the public health, safety, convenience and property values, as provided by General Statutes §
The appeal is sustained and remanded to the commission for proceedings consistent with this decision. General Statutes §