Goods v. Pylant

3:08-cv-01149 | W.D. La. | Jun 19, 2009

R E C E \'V E-lj lN MONROE, LA UNITED sTATES DISTRICT COURT JUN l 9 2009 mc WESTERN DIS'I`RICT OF LOUISIANA ngiéiiiir\iisr Oi`Eo`F touis\ANA MONROE DIVISION JOHN GOODS CIVIL ACTION NO. 08-1149 VERSUS .]UDGE ROBERT G. JAlVlES SHERIFF STEVE PYLANT, ET AL. MAG. JUDGE KAR_EN L. HAYES JUDGIV[ENT For the reasons stated in the Report and Recommendation of the Magistrate Judge [Doc. No. 8], to the extent ADOPTED, and for the reasons stated in the Court’s Ruling, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, AD.TUDGED, AND DECREED that Piaintiff Jolin Goods’ (“Goods”) retaliation claim against Defendant Assistant Warden Hilton Griffen is DISM[SSlED WITl-IOUT PREJUDICE per Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4l(a)(B). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Goods’ retaliation claim against Defendant Slieriff Steve Pylant is DISl\/HSSED WITH PRE.TUDICE as nivolous and for failing to state a claim for Which relief may be granted in accordance Witli the provisions of 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e)(2)(B). Goods’ remaining retaliation claim against Defendant Warden Chad Lee Will be addressed in a separately issued order. MONROE, LOUISIANA, this f q day of June, 2009 ROBERT G. JW UNITED STATES SSTRICT .TUDGE