Davis entered one of the street-cars of the Georgia Railway & Electric Company for the purpose of going from his office in Atlanta to Decatur. He was standing on the rear platform when the conductor collected his fare, which he paid with a five-eents piece. The man standing by him handed the conductor a transfer. The conductor returned to the interior of the car and in a few moments came back and told Davis the transfer was out of date, and he would have-to pay his fare. Davis replied that he had already paid his fare once; that he had not given
The street-ear company excepts to the overruling of its motion for a new trial, in which the complaint is made that the judge erred in admitting evidence as to the plaintiff’s attempt to board the ear a second time after he had been ejected, and also thiat in the charge of the judge the jury were instructed that they might give double damages for wounded feelings.
Judgment reversed.