Fuller v. Winthrop
The questions submitted to us by the bill and answers are, whether Mr. Winthrop, the husband of Frances Pickering Winthrop, is entitled to the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, which would have been payable to her if she had lived, or to any part thereof, the same not having been paid, nor any election respecting the payment having been made by her, during her lifetime ; and whether the semi-annual payment of $450, which was made to her during her life, should be made to him until the principal sum of $15,000 is paid ?
The bill avers, and the answers admit, that the provision for the payment of the $15,000 to each of the three daughters was in fact made to equalize the shares of the testator’s four daughters in his estate; Mrs. Russell, the other daughter, having
The difficulty in interpreting the will arises from the occurrence of circumstances which do not seem to have been contemplated by the testator, and were therefore not met by any express provision ; first, the death of Mrs. Winthrop before the trustees were ready to pay the legacy of $15,000; and secondly, the insufficiency of the sales of lands which, he authorizes his trustees to sell, to pay the debts and legacies which he desired should be paid from those sales.
But on a careful comparison of all the parts of the will, we are satisfied that the legacy to Mrs. Winthrop of $15,000 must be regarded as vesting at the decease of the testator ; and that this result is not only required by the application of sound rules of construction, but was intended by him.
It is the policy of the law to construe legacies as vested rather than contingent, wherever it can be done without perverting the language of the'bequest; and there are three principal considerations applicable to the case before us, which tend to show that the possession and not the interest was intended to be postponed.
1. There is no devise over of the legacy, showing any purpose in the testator that the legatee should not receive it at all events.
2. The postponement of payment is wholly for the benefit and convenience of the estate, and not upon any consideration personal to the legatee; and in such a case the deferring of the payment does not prevent the legacy from vesting. 1 Jarman on Wills, 756, 763. Dawson v. Killet, 1 Bro. C. C. 124. Birdsall v. Hewlett, 1 Paige, 32. Harris v. Fly, 7 Paige, 421. Pinbury v. Elkin, 1 P. W. 563. Goulbourn v. Brooks, 2 Y. & Coll. 539. Marsh v. Wheeler, 2 Edw. Ch. 163. Bowker v. Bowker 9 Cush. 519.
3. That interest is given until a legacy becomes payable, is one of the strongest indications of a vested legacy. Hoath v.
If we look at the apparent design of the testator, we are led to the same conclusion. If the legacy did not vest until the trustees were ready to pay it, then, in case of the death of the legatee leaving issue, it would lapse into the residue, and the equality intended among the testator’s daughters would not be secured.
In considering the objections urged on behalf of the residuary legatees, the first and most important undoubtedly is, that, by the codicil, the payment of the $15,000 to each of the three daughters is required to be made out of a fund specifically designated, and that they are therefore in the nature of specific legacies ; so that, the fund proving insufficient, the legacies must fail or abate. This objection has no bearing upon the question whether the legacies are vested or contingent, but, in the condition of the property, would materially affect the amount to be paid. But on looking at the will and codicil together, we are of opinion that the legacies are demonstrative, in reference to the fund primarily applicable to their payment, and not specific. By the will, the whole income of the estate, after the provision for the wife, is made chargeable with the creation of a fund for the payment of these legacies; and it was ample for the purpose. The testator then expressly declares that his executors shall “ have a lien on all ” his “ estates and property such as the law gives them; ” meaning certainly for the payment of debts, but very likely also for the satisfaction of specific legacies. He expresses his strong confidence — “-that he has assumed” — that his personal property not specially devised, and the income of his real estate, would be sufficient, within a short time after his decease, to pay not only the annuity to his wife and the semiannual payments to his three daughters, with the reservation
Two other objections to the vesting of the legacy deserve consideration. First, it is argued that the provision for the husband of either of the daughters who should die with or
The answer to the other points taken, that there was an election of the executors which of the legatees to pay first, and that the fund was insufficient, and therefore the legacy might fail, is given in the decision that the legacy is not exclusively chargeable upon the fund created by. the sales of land.
Upon the whole matter, the judgment of the court is, that Mr. Winthrop, as administrator of his wife, is entitled to claim and receive the legacy of $15,000, and the semi-annual payments of $450 until the principal sum is paid, in the same manner as she would have been if she were now living, except that the election of an investment in real estate cannot now be made. A direction as to diligence in executing their trust cannot be given to the trustees under this bill.
Decree accordingly.