Nettie McAfee entered into a recognizance, with Foote, the plaintiff in error, as one of her sureties, whereby she bound herself “ to be and appear at the next superior court of said county to be held on the first Monday in October next, from day to day and from term to term, then and there to answer to a bill of indictment for the offence of larceny with which she stands charged, and shall not depart thence without the leave of said court,” etc. At the October term of the court, the grand jury returned a true bill against her for burglary and for larceny from the house. Upon her failure to appear, after being, duly called, a judgment nisi was taken, and a scire facias issued, calling upon her and her securities to show cause at the next term of the court why final judgment should not be entered up against them. Foote, one of the sureties, showed for cause, m substance, that he agreed to be bound for the appearance of Nettie McAfee at the October term of the court to answer to a bill of indictment charging her with the offence of larceny, but that the indictment which was afterwards found charged her with the offence of burglary; that he thought the offence of which she stood charged was a misdemeanor, but that being indicted for the offence of burglary, as to which the punishment is greater than for larceny, to wit, imprisonment in the penitentiary, the risk was much greater than he had agreed to assume. Upon
Foote v. Gordon
87 Ga. 277
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