Fleming v. Brauer
This action was brought to recover damages for slander. The complaint alleged that shortly prior to the 17th of March,. 1902, the defendant. in the presence of McDougal Haw lies, commissioner of docks of the city of New York, and. of other persons, slandered the plaintiff, who is a dockmuster of the city, by saying in substance that between January 1 and March 6, 1902, thé plaintiff, as dockmaster, improperly interfered with the Brauer Steamship Company, a corporation of which the defendant is the’ president, in its lawful use of pier 33, Bast river; that the plaintiff, contrary to the duties of his office as such official, refused to inform the defendant of the rates of wharfage of pier 33; that he failed to inform him that the steamship company could not have the sole and exclusive use of the pier; that he refused to-confer with the defendant in relation