Ex parte Huidekoper
It appears that.certain personal property in the hands of receivers of this court was distrained for an excess of tax; that the receivers had actually paid all of the admitted tax, and had not paid the excess, because it is alleged that it is not authorized
With regard to the county treasurers, as it does not appear that any act was done by them after the service of the orders of this court upon them, the rules against them are dismissed.
The Sentence.
M. V. Tyler, sheriff of Aiken county, having been served with two rules to show cause why he he not attached for contempt for the matters set forth in copy of petition to each rule attached, and sufficient cause having not been shown, and it further appearing that he notwithstanding continues to hold and. detain said property, we adopt the precedent set in Re Chiles, 22 Wall. 157, by the supreme court of the United States: It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed that he is in contempt of this court, and of its orders and process. It is further ordered that he do pay a fine of $500, and that the clerk of this court shall enter judgment thereon, and issue execution therefor, and also stand committed to the custody of the marshal of tMs court until he has paid said fine, or purged himself of his contempt herein.
NOTH. This case has been affirmed by the supreme court, so far as the imprisonment is concerned. 13 Sup. Ct. Rep. 785.