In the latter part of the'-.year 1895 the plaintiff commenced buying and cribbing corn in the city of Webster Gity. In August, 1889, an ordinance had been enacted which provided for establishing at the city market place city scales suitable for weighing commodities of various kind®. The ordinance ateo provided for a city weigher, and fixed the fees to be paid for weighing. Sections 6 and 7 of the ordinance are a® follows: :
“Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm, or corporation to buy or sell by weight, within the city of Webster Gity, Iowa, any stock or any grain, hay, straw, stone, coal or other commodity, commonly sold by weight, and weighed on wagon or stock scale®, where the quantity exceeds 600 pounds, without procuring a draft of such stock or commodity to be made on the city scales. This section shall not be construed so as to prohibit the buying or selling of stock by the head, or commodity by the bulk, or otherwise than by weight. Nor shall it apply to persons living on farms, within the corporation, so as to prevent their buying produce for feeding purposes thereon, outside of the platted portion of the city. The buying or selling of any commodity embraced in the .foregoing provisions, and weighed on other scales than the city scales, shall be presumptive evidence that the same is bought and sold by weight.
“Sec. 7. Any person found guilty of a violation of this ordinance shall be fined a sum of not lees than five*228 dollars, or more than, twenty-five dollars, and stand committed until such fine is paid.”