This cause was before this court at a former term, when thq entry of the present appellee was sustained, and ⅛⅜
The attempt was inadmissible, and can never be sanctioned, without putting afloat every thing like a final determination of such controversies. What is this, but an attempt to disprove the fact upon w hich that, opinion turned ? The counsel responds it is not to negative that fact, hut to show that it occupied a different point ; that instead of being at one place, it w as at another. But this is certainly shewing that the fact, as assumed in the former opinion upon the proof then before the court, did not exist at the place assumed ; and might, by being permitted, totally vary the ground upon v ideo the opinion was predicated, and even destroy the entry, although it had been correctly determined in the first instance. The court below, therefore, properly disregarded ttíé proof in relation to Miller’s spring, as it is represented, not being the place designated in the plat when the cause was determined in this court.
But that court, in decreeing to the complainant all the land designated in the plat by the figures 1, 2, 3 and 4, erred, probably through mistake, expecting that the survey and patent under which the complainant holds comprehended the same; whereas it does not. Those figures represent the entry as directed by this court to be laid down ; but the claim, as surveyed and patented, does not cover entirely the same land ; and the com»