This motion for a preliminary injunction is based on two patents, viz. No. 455,993, issued July 14, 1891, and No. 527,102, issued October 9, 1894, to Josiah Barrett, assignor to the complainant company. As respondent’s answer consents to a decree as to the latter, we confine our attention to the former, patent. It was before this court in Manufacturing Co. v. Forgie, 57 Fed. 748, where Mr. Forgie attacked its validity on the ground of prior invention by himself. On the prima facies of the.patent, priority was adjudged to Barrett, and subsequently thereto an interference proceeding, which was then pending between them, was decided by the patent office in his favor also. In that case it was sought to restrict the claims to a lifting jack. It was, however, held that, though the drawings illustrated “lifting jacks” only, the explanation of that term in the specifications, viz. “by such terms it is, of course, to be understood that the invention includes any device embodying its principle, whether the pow
In view of the fact that the entire art of applying a jacking mechanism to oil-well drilling has been developed by Barrett and For-gie, that such art is confined to comparatively narrow limits, and that the whole of it is now before us as fully as it would be on final hearing, we have felt constrained to dispose of this question of infringement at the present time, instead of following our inclination to postpone such action until final hearing. The very fact that respondent has allowed the device now before us to lid dormant and unused for the three years just passed shows that an injunction can do him no irreparable injury, while to remand the complainant, under the facts hereafter noted, to the delay of a final decree, is to put his trade in such shape that the wrong done him in the meanwhile could not be righted even by a final decree in his favor. While, at first view, the case seems involved, the mechanism complicated, and the two types of jacks quite different in form, yet a closer study shows that, stripped of irrelevant matter, the question at issue is a narrow one, the mechanism, when understood, comparatively simple, the difference between the jacks one of form and not of substance, and the consequent right to a preliminary injunction clear. Such being our conclusion, we deem it proper to set forth at some length the reasons thereto moving the court. ■
The case in hand concerns the application of jacking mecham isms to the drilling of oil and gas wells. A brief account of that art, and the use of such mechanisms therein, will be found in Forgie v. Supply Co., 57 Fed. 742, and Manufacturing Co. v. Forgie, Id. 748. From these cases it will be seen that the first mechanism employed was based on the lifting-jack device shown in Barrett’s patent of February 17, 1885, No. 312,316. Briefly stated, this jack consisted of a rigid tripping plate provided with lugs. It was adapted to be so changed in position that its lugs were thrown into engagement with two levers. These latter were pivoted on the side of, and connected by intermediate springs with, two pawls,
While the releasing apparatus of this lifting jack was ingenious and meritorious, yet it was constructed in a manner which, mechanically, was at the expense of that strength, simplicity, and compactness desirable in oil-well jacks. In the first place, the levers were pivoted to the pawls, and, to allow space for the intermediate spring, such pivoting was at a considerable distance, and the pivoting had also to be done so as to allow the levers a free, loose motion. The space required in the side by side position of pawl, spring, and yielding lever necessitated a smaller size of pawl than was desirable. The entire shifting or tripping mechanism (except the rigid plate) was connected to and moved with the pawl in each motion. This was objectionable, for, as is well said by respondent’s expert, “the pawl being a part which is subjected to very severe duty, it is desirable to have as few parts connected with it as possible.” The efforts of both Forgie and Bar-
The new device of Barrett is based on the principle of a yielding, as distinguished from a rigid, tripping plate, adapted to engage with rigid fingers upon the pawls. One specific form of plate shown in detail in the drawings is pivoted at its lower end to the jack frame, and at the other is provided with lugs, adapted, when the plate is thrown into working position by an eccentric button, to engage with the rigid fingers on the pawls. This yielding and unpivoted end of the plate is in engagement with a strong spring seated on the jack frame. When forward or upward pressure is desired, the plate remains out of engagement, and exerts no influence. Starting with the lower pawl in engagement with the notch, and carrying the load, an inspection of the working jack shows the reversing operation is as follows: This pawl, being forward of and below the hand lever’s pivot, sinks as that lever is raised, and its pivoted end also moves a trifle inwardly. By the same action the upper pawl, being on the other side of the lever pivot, is forced upward, and its unpivoted end moves inward. This gradually brings it into engagement with a notch on the now descending bar, and by degrees it assumes the load. Meanwhile the downward and inward movement of the lower pawl alluded to has brought its rigid finger in positive engagement with a lug of the tripping plate, and, as the movement proceeds, the lug is forced against the spring until the upper pawl assumes the weight. Then the stored spring power forces the lower pawl from the notch engagement, and the whole weight is shouldered by the upper pawl. The down stroke of the hand lever releases the upper, and engages the lower, pawl in substantially the same way.
It will thus he seen that by this timely-acting, self-adjusting mechanism, the tripping plate, which relieves the pawl of the burden of all reversing appliances, yields and withdraws by the pressure of the to-be-released pawl until the latter is in position to safely surrender, and its fellow to securely accept, the load; where
“(1) In a jack, the combination, of a bar having teeth on one side thereof, a pivotal lever, two pawls pivoted to said lever and having fingers rigid therewith, and a yielding tripping plate having lugs thereon adapted to engage with said fingers, and through the same draw the pawls from engagement with the toothed bar, substantially as and for .purposes set forth.”
“(6) In a jack, the combination of a bar, having teeth on one side thereof, a pivotal lever, a pawl pivoted to said lever and having a finger rigid therewith, and yielding tripping plate mounted on the frame and having a ’lug adapted to contact with said finger, and through the same draw the pawl from engagement with the toothed bar, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.”
In addition to tbe foregoing, it should be noted there were granted in this patent, or in No. 455,994, which was a divisional application of the subject-matter, combination claims for the specific forms of yielding tripping plates shown in the drawings and specifications. The first claim has five elements, viz. a bar with teeth on one side, a pivotal lever, two pawls pivoted on this lever and provided with rigid fingers, and, lastly, a yielding tripping plate. This plate has the limitation of lugs thereon adapted to engage the pawl fingers, and through them draw the pawls from engagement with the toothed bar. Turning now to respondent’s alleged infringing device, we find it embodied in an oil-well jack. It has a pivoted lever, and is mounted on a bar with teeth on one side. Tw.o pawls with rigid fingers are pivoted on the lever. Thus far we have the identical elements of Barrett’s claim, and, as suggestive of the source from which the constructive ideas came, we find a reproduction in minor details of Barrett’s jack, viz. the similarity of measurement of pawls and handles, a departure from Forgie’s prior form of handle and a reproduction of Barrett’s, the peculiar horn or second handle on the lower side of the lever socket, and the pawl-disengaging chain extending to the stirrup handle.
His reversing apparatus consists of a sliding iron base plate, in which are seated two stiff brass springs with upwardly projecting ends. . When a reverse action is desired, the plate is shifted and held rigid by an eccentric button. This shifting places the ends .of the springs in positive, tense connection with the rigid
It is contended that it is a wholly different type of structure, in that it has no yielding tripping plate, that its plate is rigid, a,nd is not provided with lugs adapted to engage the rigid Angers on the pawls. If we concede Forgie’s iron base plate is his tripping plate, this contention is sound; but such is not the fact. In mechanics, “tripping” consists in releasing or setting free some mechanism, and a tripping plate is one performing that function. Neither in its normal nor shifted position has Forgie’s base plate, as a plate, any such capacity. It does not trip, and is therefore not a tripping plate. It only becomes one when means are added by which disengaging or tripping is effected, and this is done by bridging the space between it and the rigid Angers of the pawl to be tripped. For this purpose the stiff brass wire ends extend from their seat in the base plate to the Anger of the pawl. These answer the functional purpose of lugs, in that they are means of connection or communication between plate proper and Anger, and, indeed, answer to the very definition of a mechanical lug, viz. “a projecting thing against which anything presses.” That these stiff wire ends, posts, or lugs are yielding or resilient makes them none the less lugs so long as they are stiff enough not to double on themselves, so to speak, but center their yielding from their base point. Of necessity, in both devices the Angers of the pawls are and must remain rigid, else the pawls would not be tripped or disengaged. If, therefore, the mechanism on the plate' and the plate as well remained rigid, it is manifest no tripping would result. Now, both devices provide for such yielding, extra :or apart from the fingers. In the words of the claim, they have “lugs there
Being, then, of the same generic type, is there any limitation in Barrett’s claims which frees the later device from the charge of infringing the earlier. We think not. There is no limitation which requires the lug to be in itself rigid and unyielding. Moreover, there is an absence in the claims of a limitation or designation of any specific mechanism by, which the yielding character or function is imparted, or of any point from which or where such imparting must be done. The terms employed are comprehensive. The prior art does not necessitate a narrower reading than the ordinary meaning and reading of the terms and words employed would themselves suggest. Considered from a functional standpoint, a yielding tripping plate does not necessarily yield at every point. The yielding desired, and which secures the sought for result is a receding of the lug or connecting medium when it comes in contact with the object to be tripped. Yielding at that time insures tripping as soon as such yielding has stored the necessary spring force. This action constitutes the essence and substance of a yielding tripping plate. Manifestly, if Forgie’s device, which accomplishes the same thing as Barrett’s, had existed in the art prior to Barrett’s, it would have been fatal to Barrett’s making the generic claim now in controversy. If, then, Barrett be first, why is not Forgie’s device subsidiary to the primary and dominant conception. In pursuance of this theory, a patent was granted to Barrett, he was allowed generic claims in combination, the validity of his patent was sustained by the court, and subsequently his presumptive priority of conception, arising from the issue of the patent, was affirmatively proven in his favor in an interference contest with the present respondent. If these protracted and expensive proceedings insured to him the enjoyment of the mere identical form of his patented device, he has gained a barren victory. But we think he is entitled to both form and substance, and, when the substance and gist of his device are a second time seized by respondent, we are of opinion the time is fitting for the exercise by a chancellor of his power of issuing a preliminary injunction. Let such a decree be prepared.