4:17-cv-01920 | N.D. Cal. | Jul 25, 2018

SMITH PATTEN 11 DOW W. PATTEN, ESQ. (SBN: 135931) 22 888 S. Figueroa St., Suite 2030 Los Angeles, California 90017 33 Telephone (213) 488-1300; (415) 402-0084 Facsimile (415) 520-0104 44 dow@smithpatten.com 55 Attorney for Plaintiff 66 LINDSEY L. AUSTIN 77 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 88 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 99 LINDSEY L. AUSTIN, ) Case No. 17-cv-01920-JST 10 10 ) ) [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING 11 11 Plaintiff, ) STIPULATED MOTION FOR 12 12 ) SUBSTITUTION OF GWENDYLON v. ) DAVIS AS PERSONAL 13 13 ) REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE ) OF DECEASED PLAINTIFF LINDSEY 14 14 ) L. AUSTIN KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE WEST CO., ) 15 15 et al., ) Complaint filed: April 6, 2017 16 16 ) ) 17 17 Defendants. ) ) 18 18 ) 19 19 _____________________________________ ) 20 20 The Court, having reviewed the Stipulated Motion for Substitution of Gwendylon Davis 21 21 As Personal Representative of the Estate of Deceased Plaintiff Lindsey L. Austin, and GOOD 22 22 CAUSE APPEARING, it is HEREBY ORDERED that Gwendylon Davis, As Personal 23 23 24 24 Representative of the Estate of Deceased Plaintiff Lindsey L. Austin be substituted as Plaintiff in 25 25 this matter. 26 26 SO ORDERED, this ___ 25 day of July, 2018 ___________________________ Hon. Jon S. Tigar 27 27 United States District Judge 28 28 1 PROPOSED ORDER Case No.: 17-cv-01920-JST