Lead Opinion
after stating the case, delivered the opinion of the court.
The lands in question were odd sections lying within the twenty-mile limit of the grant of lands made to the Central Pacific Railroad Company to aid in the construction of its road, ahd^ situated partly in township three south, range three
It is stated in the opinion of the Circuit Court, rendered on the final hearing, and reported, 38 Fed. Rep. 1, that “ between May 15, 1863, and.May 16, 1864, after actual survey in the field, but before the survey had been officially adopted or recognized by the Secretary of the Interior, and before it had been approved by the surveyor general and filed in the district land office, the State of California, by its locating agent, made selections and locations of all the lands now in controversy in township three, range three, in part satisfaction of the grant to the State of lands in lieu of sections 16 and 36, under the act of March 3, 1853, 10 Stat. 244, 246, c. 145. Between February 17, 1864, .and February 9, 1866, the State had issued its certificates óf parchase to the several purchasers thereof, the first payments of the purchase money having been made. The selections, apparently at their respective dates, were by the register of the land office entered in his office. A portion of these lands was certified over to the State by the Land Department at Washington, approved- by the Secretary of the Interior on November 15, 1871, and the remainder on March 24, 1873, and they were afterwards patented to the purchasers by the State. The lands in controversy, situate in said township two, range one, were selected in advance of any survey in the field by the United States surveyor general, upon surveys made by the county surveyors of the State, between July 28, 1862, and July 20, 1863. Certificates of sale were issued to. purchasers by the State for a part between March 2, 1863, and January 25, 1864, and for the remainder between February 20 and March 14, 1865. These selections were entered by the register of the land office on June 12, •1865. A part was certified over to the State by the Secretary. of the Interior on September 8, 1870, and the rest on March 11, 1871. These lands were also afterwards patented to the purchasers by the State.” In the view which we take of the case, this summary of the evidence in the particulars mentioned may for convenience be accepted without restatement.
The map of the general route of the railroad, company was
The Circuit Court held that lands are. not surveyed lands by the United States until a certified copy of the official plat of survey has been filed in' the local land office; that this had not been done in respect of these lands, or, if done, that the filing was too late; that they were therefore unsurveyed, and that the selections, being made on unsurveyed lands, were “utterly void.” These premises were denied by appellants, both as to the law and the fact.
. The Circuit Court also held that the state selections were void for the reason that the act of 1853, under which they were made, excepted from selection by the State, in l.'eu of school sections lost, “ lands reserved by competent authority,” and “lands claimed under any foreign grant or title,” and “ mineral lands; ” and that these lands, were excepted because at the time of their selection, location and sale by the State they were claimed under a Mexican grant known as “Las Pocitas.” Appellants contended that this conclusion was based on a mistaken construction of the act of 1853, and an erroneous application of the act, if properly so construed, under the facts in the case.
The bill averred that the United States had granted the land to the railroad company; that the railroad company was entitled-to a patent; that the lands .had been wrongfully listed-to the State, and for that reason the United States refused to grant a patent for the same; and therefore the bill .was filed to enable the government to issue the patent. But it was also alleged that the Western Pacific Railroad Company and its successor, the Central Pacific Railroad Company, did within three years of the- completion of the road, sell and dispose of the land hereinbefore described to persons other than defendants. The road was completed December 29, 1869, so that the sale of the land by the railroad company to others than the defendants must have been before January, 1878, or nine and one-half years before the original bill was filed.
The rule in relation to the institution of suit by the Attorney General of the United States to vacate a patent is thus stated by" Mr. Justice Miller in United States v. San Jacinto Tin Company, 125 U. S. 273, 285:
“ But we are of opinion that since the right of the government of the United States to institute such a suit depends upon the same general principles which would authorize a private citizen to apply to a court of justice for relief against an instrument obtained from him by fraud or deceit, or any of those other practices which are admitted to justify a court in. granting relief, the government must show that, like the private individual, it has such an interest in the relief sought as entitles it to move in the matter. If it be a question of property, a case must be made in whióh the court can afford a remedy in regard to that property; if it be a question of fraud which would render the instrument void, the fraud must operate to the prejudice of the United States; and if it is
“ In all the decisions to which we have just referred it is either expressed or implied that this interest or duty of the United States must exist as the foundation of the- right of action. Of course this interest must be made to appear in the progress of the proceedings, either by pleading or evidence, and if there is a want of it, and the fact is manifest that the suit has actually been brought for the benefit of some third person, and that no obligation to the general public exists which requires the Uniteds States to bring it, then the suit must fail. In the case before us the bill itself leaves a fair implication that if this patent is set aside the title to the property will revert to the United States, together with the beneficial interest in it.”
And in United States v. Beebe, 127 U. S. 338, 342, it was said by Mr. Justice Lamar, delivering the opinion of the court: “If a patent is wrongfully issued to one individual which should have been issued to another, or if two patents for the same land have been issued to two different individuals, it may properly be left to the individuals to settle, by personal litigation, the question of right in which they alone are interested. But if it should come to the knowledge of the government that a patent has been fraudently obtained, and that such fraudulent patent, if allowed to stand, would work prejudice to the interests or rights of thé United States, or would prevent the government from fulfilling an obligation incurred by it, either to the public or to an individual, which personal litigation could not remedy, there would be an occasion which would make it the duty of the government to institute judicial proceedings to vacate such patent.”
In the case beforé us, the State of California and its grantees
Under the railroad grant acts themselves, nothing contained therein was to impair or defeat any valid claim existing at the time the line of the road was definitely fixed; and upon, the face of this record there can be no question that the claim of the State of California, based upon its making selections of the lands and presenting the same for approval, was a claim in good faith, and the obligation of the United States to the State was as much to be considered as the obligation to the. railroad company, and its liability to make good the loss was to that one of the parties upon whom the loss might finally fall.
"We are of opinion that upon the case made, the same principles must be applied as if the litigation were- between private parties.
In this regard, the case of United States v. Beebe, 127 U. S. 338, is exactly in point and of controlling weight. There a bona fide claimant had made a location under a New
. The decision of the Circuit Court in that case dismissing the bill on the ground of laches was sustained, because, although Beebe had procured his patent by fraud and imposition upon the government or its officers, and the superior right to the land was originally in others, yet it was apparent that the suit was prosecuted in the name of the United States only on behalf of private- persons, and therefore should be barred if they were.
Tested by this rule, it is clear that the claim of the railroad company and its grantees cannot be sustained.
The grant was in prcesenti, and attached upon the filing of a map of definite location. "When the identification of a granted section became so far complete as to authorize the grantee to take possession, the legal title of the granted land passed, and an action for possession could be maintained by the company or its grantees before the issue of a patent. The patent would have been evidence that the land named was granted, that the grantee had complied with the conditions of the grant, and that the grant was to that extent relieved from the possibility of forfeiture for breach of its conditions, but was not essential to transfer the legal right. Deseret Salt Company v. Tarpey, 142 U. S. 241; Sioux City Company v. Griffey, 143 U. S. 32.
. The company had, on February 1, 18Y0, whatever title it could obtain, and whatever rights belonged to it, and its cause of action then accrued. The land had already been certified to the State by the Commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the Interior, and their action in that regard was in law the same as if patents had been issued to the State. Frasher v. O’Connor, 115 U. S. 102.
If that action was wholly void, then it was open to collateral attack, and the railroad company and its grantees could have .brought suit to test the legal title at once. Doolan v. Carr, 125 U. S. 618.
If that action was not void, but the Interior Department-had taken mistaken viewsxof the law, or drawn erroneous con
In either aspect, the rights of the parties could have been, determined by proceedings on behalf of the company' or its-grantees against the patentees of the State or their grantees but instead of instituting such proceedings, the railroad company besieged the. principal officer^ of the Land Department-to ignore the action of their predecessors in office, and to exercise a power that had become functus officio. Noble v. Union River Logging Railroad, 147 U. S. 175. If patents-had been issued to the railroad company, then the case would have been presented of two patents for the same land issued to two different parties, and, as pointed out in United States v. Beebe, the matter might properly be left to those- parties to settle by personal litigation.
This bill was not filed until more than thirteen years after-the cause of action had accrued, and twelve years after the first patent, and over five years after the last patent, was. issued, by the State, while the selections and purchases thereunder were made long before.
Under the laws of California, an action may be brought by any person against another, who claims an estate or interest, in real property adverse to him, for the purpose of determining such adverse claim; but no action can be brought for the-recovery of real property or for possession thereof, or arising-out of the title thereto, unless such action is commenced within five years after the cause of action shall have accrued and an action for relief not otherwise provided for must bocommenced within four years. (Code Civ. Proc. Cal. §§ 318, 319, 343, 738.)
Whether the statute be applied directly or by analogy, or' the rule in equity founded upon lapse of time and staleness of' claim, the delay and laches here are fatal'to the maintenance of the suit.
The ineffectual pressure of the company on the Land' De
If through erroneous action of its officers, the bounty of the government in the particular instance has not reached those for whom it was intended, but has .reached beneficiaries who were not intended to have these particular lands, the government may be relied on to effectuate its own designs, and to make good any moral obligation that rests upon it; but it had not such, pecuniary or other interest in this litigation as entitled it to ask the suspension of the beneficent rules’applied by the courts in the administration of justice between individuals.
The decree is reversed and the cause rema/nded with a direction to dismiss the hill.
Dissenting Opinion
I am not able to agree with the majority of the court in their decision of this case. The lands in controversy fall within the limits of the grant to the Central Pacific Railroad Company; but by mistake and inadvertence of the.Land Department they were listed to the State of California. Discovering its mistake, the department refused to issue to the company a patent for the lands to which , it was entitled, until the erroneous listing to the State was set aside and annulled. The present bill was filed by the Attorney General for that purpose — and because of this-proceeding'and the -delay' of the company in waiting on its issue — instead of taking steps to enforce its rights at law for the land, this court now holds that it has lost the right to them ; and that as the United States have no interest- in the property, .except to. clear it of the cloud of the listings wrongly made, they ■cannot maintain the suit. The result, which produces simple injustice to the railroad company without wrong on its part, ought not in my judgment to be upheld.
Upon this doctrine the court below proceeded in this case, in order that the government might discharge its obligation to the railroad company. It is á. case where the government admits the error of its officers of the Land Department, acknowledges its obligation to correct it, and seeks to remove from its records the inadvertent and erroneous certification to the State of the lands, so that it may be able to issue a clear' title to the railroad company, the right of that company having been finally determined, and thus carry out the pledge of its grant.
There -was at no time an admission by the railroad- company
The case is not, in my judgment, within the doctrine of United States v. Beebe, 127 U. S. 338, which would exclude the interference of the United States, but is within the doctrine which there recognizes and upholds it. In that case the original claimant had rested on the action of the Land’ Department, and sought the assistance of the United States only after the lapse of 'nearly half a century, and it was held that the interference of the government, after such a lapse of time, was simply á proceeding to avoid the laches of the claimant and to give to him the benefit of its exemption from them. But it declared that a suit of the United States would lie to set aside a patent where the government was under an .obligation respecting the relief invoked. In this case the railroad company has not remained inactive, but upon a decision in its favor by the department, asked for its promised patent, which was only withheld because of the previous inadvertent and mistaken action of the government’s officers in issuing a certificate to the State. In. such circumstances the government, it seéms to me, ought not to be debarred the right to correct the mistake of its officers, by which alone the intention of the law'was defeated. I think the decree below should be affirmed.