— The evidence is quite voluminous, and is very conflicting. We cannot undertake to do more than to set forth the facts which seem to- us to be established by the preponderance of the testimony. Prior to the year 1879, the Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Railway Company had constructed and in operation a line of railroad from Keokuk to Corydon, the purpose of the company being to construct its road westward to some point on the Missouri River. In 1879 the company determined to commence the extension of its road westward from Corydon, thirty miles, and, in pursuance of this purpose, caused two routes to be surveyed. One of these lines ran through Benton and Clay townships in Wayne county, and High-Point, Woodland, Center, Decatur, Grand-River and Richland townships in Decatur county. The other line ran through Benton and Richmond townships in Wayne county, and Garden Grove, Franklin, Long-Creek and Rich-land townships in Decatur county. ■ One of these routes became known as the Leon route, and the other as the Garden Grove route. The object of the company was to procure local aid on one of these routes, by the voting of taxes and by private subscription, sufficient to .grade, bridge and tie the road.
The survey on the Garden Grove route passed through section sixteen, in Franklin township, within one-half mile of the center of the township. On the 8th day of September, five