A suit was brought in Dade superior court in favor of the ordinary, for the use of the heirs of one Deirryberry, against his administrator and the sureties on his bond, one of whom was James W. Cureton, for the recovery of a devastavit by the administrator. Pending this suit James W. Cureton conveyed certain real property to his wife, Nancy E. Cureton. Shortly thereafter James W. Cureton died, and his widow and children were made parties to the Derryberry suit in his stead. While this suit was still pending the following agreement was entered into between the widow and children of James W. Cureton: “ State of Georgia, Dade County. Know all men by these presents, that we, John A. Cureton, Geo. W. Cureton, William C. Cureton, Mary E. Cureton, and Sallie F. Brock, heirs at law of Nancy E. Cureton and of lawful age, having this day agreed upon the following division of the lands belonging to our mother, Nancy E. Cureton, she consenting to and directing this division be made. The value placed upon said lánd by our mother, Nancy E. Cureton, and agreed to by us, is as follows, to wit: The home place, being lots and parts of lots Nos 46, 48,49, 50, 58, and 59, in the eighteenth
After this agreement was entered into there was a consent verdict rendered in the Derryberry suit in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $5,000, one half of which was to be paid by the widow and children of James W. Cureton. Three of the children, to wit, George W., William C., and Mary E. Cureton, paid their proportionate part of the judgment entered upon the verdict, and a fi. fa. for the balance was levied on property belonging to George W. Cureton, in order to collect the amount due thereon by the other children, John A. Cureton and Sallie F. Brock. To prevent the sale of his property George W. Cureton paid the balance due on the fi. fa., but did not have the fact of payment indorsed upon it. Several years thereafter Nancy E. Cureton filed her bill against George W. Cureton, praying an accounting of various matters therein set up; whereupon he filed an equitable petition in the superior court of said county against Nancy E. Cure-ton, John A. Cureton and his wife, Nancy A. Cureton, Mary E. Cureton, and Sallie F. Brock, praying for an accounting and settlement of certain differences between himself and the defendants, set out in his petition. This petition was answered by all of the defendants, and the case was then referred to an auditor. The auditor found and reported, among other things, (1) that George W. Cureton paid to the plaintiff in the Derryberry suit the balance on the fi. fa! which represented the proportionate shares of John A. Cureton and Sallie F. Brock; (2) that this occurred in 1892, but George W. Cureton never had any entry of payment indorsed on the fi. fa., and took no steps to enforce the collection of his demand for contribution after September 28,1893; (3) that as more than seven years had elapsed from that date .before the filing of the present suit, George W. Cureton had, by his long delay
Judgment affirmed.