This is an appeal from a decree rendered by the Circuit Court for the county of Linn, in a suit brought by-the said respondents against the said appellants, to subject certain real property to the payment of three several judgments obtained, by the said respondents severally against the appellant John Beard, in actions at law in said Circuit Court. Said Crawford’s judgment was recovered on the 25th day of September, 1883, for the sum of $1,291.51 with costs of action; said Brenner’s was recovered October 18, 1883, for the sum of $722.83, with costs of action; and said Flinn’s on the same day for the sum of $321.03, with costs of action. Flinn’s judgment was also against one J. J. Beard, who was jointly liable with said John Beard. Executions were duly issued upon each of said judgments, and returned unsatisfied prior to the commencement of the suit. #
It appears that Crawford’s judgment was upon three promissory notes, one of which bore date in 1875, and is for $596; the
The said real property is situated in said county of Linn, and >is a part of the said donation land claim of said John Beard and wife. Said Beard settled upon said land claim under the ■donation act, and obtained a patent to it from the United States. The land m suit is the husband’s half, consisting of about 180 .acres. Said John Beard, on the 11th day of February, 1881, ■executed a deed of conveyance to his son, the said Ambrose .Beard, which purported to convey the said land to him. The respondents alleged in their complaint that said deed was so ■executed .by the said John Beard to the said Ambrose Beard to ■.delay and defraud the creditors of the former, which is the main ■question to be determined upon the appeal. Two of the said judgments were obtained by default, and entered by the clerk of .said Circuit Court in vacation, without any order of the court, ■and .the third was entered by the said clerk upon confession. The appellants’ counsel deny the validity of said judgments, and .claim that the statute authorizing a judgment to be entered in such a case is unconstitutional. Said counsel also claim that only part of the debt upon which the said Crawford’s judgment was recovered existed at the time the said deed from John to Ambrose Beard was executed, and none of the debt upon which the said Flinn’s judgment was recovered existed at said time. And it is further claimed upon the part of the said appellants that said deed was given in good faith and for a valuable consideration.
A large amount of testimony was taken in the case, a great portion of which was immaterial. The proof of statements and admissions made by said John Beard, long after he executed the said deed of the 11th day of February, 1881, unconnected with possession of the property or other circumstances, had no
The respondents’ counsel claims that the whole of the debt due to Crawford existed when the deed was executed; and that the notes to Frank Bros, were for farming machinery which John Beard ordered in 1880, but did not receive until 1881, at about the time the said notes were executed, but they admit that none of the debt due to Flinn existed at said time.
The view I am inclined to adopt in adjusting the rights of the
The appellants’ counsel contend that neither the said Crawford nor the said Flinn has any standing to question the bona jides of the said deed, as a portion of the claim of the former, they allege, accrued after the execution of the deed, and that
The Flinn claim stood upon a different basis. That debt was not contracted until long after the deed was executed and upon record. It arose out of, the renting of a warehouse let to John and J. J. Beard, and the deed could not be questioned by the holder of that debt, unless it were shown that when the said John Beard executed the deed he had in view the creation of the said debt, and intended to defraud the creditor thereof. In the language of Bump on Fraudulent Conveyances, “ the conveyance .must be made with an intent to put the property out of the reach of debts, which the grantor at the time of the conveyance intended to contract, and which he does not intend to pay, or has reasonable grounds to believe that he may not be able to pay.” The decision in Page v. Grant, 9 Oreg. 120, was not intended to establish any different doctrine than this, though the language employed in the opinion is veiy general. The purpose and intent for which the deed was given must be ascertained by an examination of all the facts and circumstances of
The respondents’ counsel contend that the conveyance from John Beard of the property in question included all his property; that the appellants’ account of the affair was vague, uncertain, and contradictory, and that it should be inferred therefrom, in view of the relations of the parties, and the manner in which they had conducted their business before and after the deed was executed, that it was intended to defraud the creditors of said John Beard. Fraud is established in such a case by inference or presumption. It may be inferred or presumed from the nature and character of the transaction itself, or from faots and circumstances connected with it. If the necessary result of the act is to place the debtor’s property beyond the reach of legal process, so as to delay creditors, it will be presumed that it was done with a fraudulent intent; but when the act is apparently regular and fair upon its face, the intent must be gathered from the surroundings. In such a case the tests, which reason and experience have shown were indicative of a fraudulent design and purpose, must be resorted to in order to ascertain the probable motive which actuated the parties in the affair. In this case, there is nothing upon the face of the transaction indicating bad faith. John Beard was in debt, it is true, but that did not preclude him from selling his farm. The deed is in the ordinary form. It recites a valuable consideration as having been received, and was placed upon record immediately after its execution. The conveyance was from a father to a son, but the latter was of full age and had an undoubted right to purchase his father’s estate. The evidence, therefore, that the sale was made with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud creditors must be sought for outside of the apparent facts in the case. The
The testimony tends to show that Ambrose Beard and his father had some negotiation in regard to the sale and purchase of the said land in 1880; that a bond for a deed was drawn up and some notes written out, but the matter was not consummated; that about the time the said deed was executed, they concluded to make a different arrangement, whereby Ambrose was to buy the land, turn in a claim for a thousand bushels of wheat his father owed him, assume the mortgage upon said land that had been executed by John Beard to John Thomas, and the interest accrued thereon, amounting to $480, and deliver to his father in the following fall four thousand bushels of wheat in full payment of the land. The deed was made and executed and recorded, and I am satisfied from the evidence that said Ambrose delivered to the said John Beard, in pursuance of the bargain, three thousand nine hundred and one bushels and fourteen pounds of wheat.
The testimony of J. J. Beard establishes that fact very fully. He testified that he and John Beard were partners in the warehouse business. Says: “We commenced about August 15th, I won’t be positive; some time in the fore part of August, 1881.” He was then asked this question: “Will you please turn to the warehouse book for the firm for that year and state how much wheat was left stored there with the firm by Ambrose Beard in the fall of 1881?” Answer. “Three thousand nine hundred and one bushels and fourteen pounds.” Question. “State who sold that wheat,when it was sold, and the prices received.” A. “ The first lot of wheat sold was two hundred and twenty-nine bushels, for seventy-three and one half cents per bushel, September 23d. On September 24th he sold one thousand bushels for seventy-six and one half cents. I haven’t got the price of the
These sales, as I compute them, amount to $3,040.69|-, which was the product of the crop of wheat Ambrose Beard raised from the entire farm in the year of 1881. It is claimed by counsel for the respondents that John Beard paid out this money by paying off the interest on the mortgage, the $480, and the expenses of working the place. I think the evidence shows’ that John Beard did pay the $480, though Ambrose claims that he repaid it, or that it was paid out of his money. There is no evidence that John Beard paid any of the expenses of the farm that I have discovered.
It is also claimed by said counsel that Ambrose Beard, after the deed was executed to him, continued to occupy the place as before; that John Beard remained in possession and controlled the management. I do not think the evidence shows that. It is true the parties lived in the same house, but that, with the other buildings upon the claim, and the orchard, were on Mrs. Beard’s part. J. J. Beard testifies that Ambrose, after the deed was made, seemed to take the management of affairs; “there was an apparent change in the management and control of the place when the deed was executed.”
As I view the matter, there was an intended sale of the property to Ambrose Beard. John Beard had grown old and evidently had not been successful in farming, and some time prior to the summer of 1881 he conceived the idea of going into the warehouse business, and probably thought he would sell to Ambrose and take his pay for the part that would be coming to him in wheat; that he would be in the wheat business and could dispose of the wheat at a better advantage. The dealings between the parties were very loose. It would not seem, by the answer filed in the suit, that they had any definite idea as to
That either of the parties actually intended to defraud the creditors of John Beard, I do not think can be maintained from the facts and circumstances of the case. I have no idea that the creditors were considered or thought of. The debts had been standing then a long time, except the portion for the farming machinery which was only in process of creation. No effort seems to have been made upon the part of the creditors, Crawford and Brenner, to collect them. It was not a case where a debtor was being pressed for payment, and was compelled to make a shift. The claims were drawing interest at the rate of one per cent a month, and the holders were no doubt content to let them run. The interest at that, rate, kept up for seven or eight years, would produce an amount equal to the principal. Said creditors never manifested sufficient interest in their claims to ascertain before two years and a half that the said deed had been made, although it stood recorded during all that time in the record of deeds in the clerk’s office in the town where they lived. They seem to have-manifested an entire indifference in regard to the payment of their claims, and they are not entitled to any credit for leniency. The creditor who holds a note against a farmer, that is drawing twelve per cent annual interest, does not confer any benefit on the latter by a forbearance of the debt, as a general thing. It will ordinarily be only a matter of time when the interest eats up the farm.
But while the appellants may not have intended to defraud the creditors of John Beard by the transaction, yet there are suspicious circumstances as to the amount of consideration paid, and of the basis of the transaction. It does not appear sufficiently certain that John Beard owed Ambrose any wheat, or for any wheat, or any money, at the time the deed was executed, nor is it shown satisfactorily that Ambrose furnished the money
The decree will therefore be: -First, that from the proceeds of the sale of said land, made under the decree of the Circuit Court, the costs and disbursements of said suit and the expenses of making said sale be first paid. Second, that the said sum of $1,785.69J be next paid therefrom to the said Ambrose Beard. Third, that the claim of said Crawford and Brenner be next paid therefrom, if sufficient remains. Fourth, that the claim of
The chief justice is of the opinion that the statute conferring upon clerks power to enter a judgment in such a case is unconstitutional and void, and that the maxim communis error facit jus is inapplicable. (Pease v. Peck, 18 How. 597.)