After argument before a panel and reargument before the Court en banc, the Court being equally divided, the adjudication is hereby affirmed.
Opinion of in Support of Affirming Adjudication of Department of Welfare :
The Federal statutory court convened in Fullington v. Shea, 320 F. Supp. 500 (D. Colo. 1970) in my opinion correctly interpreted the Federal statutory law involved in this appeal, and it is not here disputed that the Department’s controlling regulation is consistent with the applicable Pennsylvania statutory law.
Opinion of in Support of Reversal :
Edna F. Crammer, appellant, is just one of a multitude of Social Security payment recipients all across the United States who have experienced an unfortunate and unexpected effect of a nationwide increase in the allotment of Social Security benefits. Prior to the increase, appellant’s Social Security monthly benefits, her sole income, were less than the maximum monthly income allowance of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Therefore, she was classified as “categorically needy” and was eligible to receive medical benefits including the payment of costs for drugs. This care was provided by the State under the mandate of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.- §§301 et seq. However when the Social Security payments increased, appellant’s income became greater than the permissible maximum for public assistance, and she then received medical benefits under an optional state plan which does not provide for medicinal payments. As a result, instead of receiving $95.00 per month and having her
The Social Security Act, supra, provides that the states, in conjunction with the Federal government, will provide medical care to the “categorically needy.” This group includes those persons whose incomes are below the maximum welfare level. A second plan, optional with the states, provides medical care for persons with incomes above that level. Pennsylvania has adopted the second plan but medicinal payments are not included as in the required plan.
Appellant urges us to direct the Department to reinstate her under the all encompassing plan, advancing four arguments in support of her position.
First, it is suggested that the Social Security Act, Section 1396a(a) (17) (D) mandates that tests of eligibility in state programs allow for flexibility of income caused by heavy medical expenses. This is the so-called “spend-down” test in which necessary medical expenses would be deducted from income prior to determining eligibility.
Second, appellant argues that the Department of Public Welfare Manual mandates that her drug expenses be included in living expenses- when computing whether her living expenses exceed her income for eligibility as “categorically needy” for non-money payments.
Third, appellant contends that the classification of “categorically needy” and “medically needy” based upon income is unreasonable and arbitrary in contravention of her right of equal protection of the law guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Finally, she says that the refusal of the State to grant her access to her federally guaranteed rights under the Social Security Act, as alleged in her first argu
The first issue raised by appellant was discussed at length by the United States District Court for the District of Colorado in Fullington v. Shea, 320 F. Supp. 500 (D. Colo. 1970), a case involving similar facts.
Construction of the Statutes
“In support of their contention that they are entitled to coverage under the [Pennsylvania] Medicaid program, plaintiffs argue that the applicable federal statutes require a state to extend coverage to them, and
“Subsection (17) requires the state to include reasonable standards for eligibility for Medicaid. These must be comparable for all groups, but may differ with respect to income level except in relation to the categorical recipients. It requires that the state count or consider only available income disregarding that income which is not received. The second part, which is often called the ‘flexible income’ or ‘spend-down’ provision, requires the state to take into account in determining eligibility the costs ‘incurred for medical care or for any other type of remedial care recognized under State law.’
“Plaintiffs argue that they are eligible for inclusion in Medicaid because their medical expenses are so large that their available income is limited, and that if their net income rather than their gross income is considered as the cut-off standard their eligibility is estab
“It is true that Subsection (17) appears to be generous and promising to plaintiffs. The difficulty from this standpoint is that it does not stand alone and it must be read in conjunction "with a preceding companion provision, 42 U.S.C. §1396a(a) (10).”
This interpretation is supported by the legislative history of the Social Security Act. In Title XIX, U.S. C.C.A.N. 89 th Congress, 1st Sess. (1965), it is stated:
“The bill also contains a provision designed to correct one of the weaknesses identified in the medical assistance for the aged program. Under the current provisions of Federal law, some States have enacted programs which contain a cut-off point on income which determines the financial eligibility of the individual. Thus, an individual with an income just under the specified limit may qualify for all of the aid provid
In addition to the ample legislative history upon which I base my position, I must add one further point. The purpose of the welfare system in’ this nation as I view it is to provide assistance to those in need and by doing so to improve the public welfare. This is the clear intent of enacted welfare legislation.
These enactments should be interpreted in such a way as to carry out the manifestation of the Legisla
The only factual difference between these cases is that Colorado does not provide a “medical needy” plan. Therefore, the recipients in Colorado were cut off from all medical aid by the Social Security benefits increase. This difference, however, does not affect the legal questions before us.
"1 A state plan for medical assistance must — include reasonable standards (which, shall be comparable for all groups and may, in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary, differ with respect to income levels, but only in the case of applicants or recipients of assistance under the plan who are not receiving aid or assistance under the State’s plan approved under subchapter I, X, XIV, or XVI, or part A of subehapter IV of this chapter, based on the variations between shelter costs in urban areas and in rural areas) for determining eligibility for and the extent of medical assistance under the plan . . . and provide for flexibility in the application of such standards with respect to income by taking into account, except to the extent prescribed by the Secretary, the costs (whether in the form of insurance premiums or otherwise) incurred for medical care or for any other type of remedial care recognized under State law.”
“2 Plaintiffs do not argue that the state cannot establish a cutoff line to establish eligibility, nor do they argue that if the ‘medically needy’ are covered that the cut-off line must be higher than the level established by the state as the ‘minimum level of subsistence’. If, for example, the state recognized $120.00 as the ‘minimum level of subsistence’ for the purposes of establishing eligibilty for old age pensions, plaintiffs argue that the state could still recognize $120.00 as the level needed for subsistence, but that they must include individuals (for the purposes of Medicaid eligibility) whose ‘gross income’ exceeds $120.00, but whose ‘net income’ (gross income less medical costs) is below that level.”
“3 It requires a state plan to: (10) provide for making medical assistance available to all individuals receiving aid or assistance under State plans approved under subchapters I, X, XIV, and XVI of this chapter, and part A of subchapter IV of this chapter; and—
“(A) provide that the medical assistance made available to individuals receiving aid or assistance under any such State plan—
“(i) shall not be less in amount, duration or scope than the medical assistance made available to individuals receiving aid or assistance under any other such State plan, and
“(ii) shall not be less in amount, duration, or scope than the medical or remedial care and services made available to individuals not receiving aid or assistance under any such plan; and
“(B) if medical or remedial care and services are included for any group of individuals who are not receiving aid or assistance under awy such State plan and who do not meet the income and resources requirements of the one of such State plans which is appropriate, as determined in accordance with standards prescribed by the Secretary, provide—
“(i) for making medical or remedial care and services available to all individuals who would, if needy, be eligible for aid or assistance under any such State plan and who have insufficient (as
“(ii) that the medical or remedial care and services made available to all individuals not receiving aid or assistance under any such State plan shall be equal in amount, duration, and scope. . . . .” (Emphasis added.) 320 F. Supp. at 503-05.
Aside from my basic finding as to appellant’s first issue, I would hold that issues two and three as raised by her would be insufficient to sustain a decision in her favor. The second issue is controlled by Department of Public Welfare Regulation 3212-32 which excludes drugs as a special need item. Issue three was properly disposed of by the Colorado District Court in Fullington v. Shea, supra, 320 F. Supp. at 506-07. Because of my position favorable to appellant on the first issue, I need not and will not comment upon the merits of appellant’s fourth contention.