The attempt to appeal from the order refusing a- new trial in this case, was ineffectual, since no undertaking was entered into as required by section 9, chap. 86, Gen. Stat., as amended by chap. 80, Bows, 1868. In this case, however, the failure to perfect the appeal from such order is of no practical importance, in as much as we are of opinion that there are errors appearing on the record, which may properly be considered upon the appeal which was taken from the judgment, and for which the judgment must be reversed.
This case presents the following state of facts: In January, 1868, the plaintiff, “ The Board of County Commissioners for Hennepin County,” adopted a resolution providing that any person desirous of engaging in the business of retailing liquors in quantities less than five gallons, in said county, in the year 1868, should be required to pay the sum or rate of fifty dollars before a license should be issued therefor j and in and by said resolution said board authorized and required the county attorney, the defendant, to col • lect the said license moneys, and to prosecute any violations of the license law Blank licenses, signed by the chairman of said board, and attested by the county auditor under his official seal, and blank license bonds, were delivered to the defendant after the passage of the resolution referred to, “ without the direction of any one in particular, but in pursuance of conversations of the board, and its members,” as is testified by the county auditor. No application was made to the board for a license for 1868 , no license for 1868 was granted by the board in pursuance of any order made upon any application, nor was there any action of the board in relation to the granting of licenses for 1868, except the adoption of the foregoing resolution. As to what was done with the blank licenses and bonds, the report of the case is
It is plain enough that the wholesale plan of granting licenses, -which was adopted by the plaintiff, is not in accordance with the statute, the language of which is, that “the Board of County Commissioners may grant licenses,” &c. These words used in reference to the business of selling intoxicating liquors, a business which the legislature have with great propriety, as it seems to us, deemed it necessary to regulate, call for the exercise of discretion and discrimination on the part of the board as to the persons to whom' licenses shall be granted, and the board has not the right to grant licenses except upon an application in each case by the person desiring a license. Gen. Stat. ch. 16, sees. 1, 2. When such application is made, it is for the board to consider whether the applicant is a fit person to be trusted with a traffic fraught with so much danger to individuals, and to the community. By section 2, “ any person applying for license * * shall before the same is issued, pay to the county treasurer * * * * a sum not greater than one
As to the counter-claim which the defendant sets up, the jury appear to have found against his claim for pay for- some five or six days services as county attorney after the expiration of his regular term, and before the induction of his successor, and no basis for reviewing the verdict in this respect is presented by the record; nor do we understand defendant to insist that there was any error as to the matter-As to the other branch of the counter-claim, viz : That in which defendant claims to recover for services performed, by himself while county attorney, outside of the county limits, though for the county, it is enough to say that as to the services performed on the suits in which the county was a party, it was his duty under seo. 181, ch. 8, Gen. Stat., to appear in the same, whether pending within or without his county, without further compensation than his salary. As to the services which he claims to have rendered in Ramsey county in resisting the discharge upon habeas corpus of prisoners who had been committed .in Hennepin county to the jail of Ramsey county, the court below very properly rejected the evidence offered by defendant, because it did not appear that the services had been performed under any special employment by any person or body authorized so to employ the defendant.
These views dispose of the case, and the result is that the judgment must be reversed.