The facts fully appear in the opinion of the court, delivered
This is a motion to quash a writ of “quo warranto.” The suggestion upon which it is founded sets forth two grounds of objection to the charter.
1st. It is objected that the forty-two commissioners who signed the certificate that the requisite number of shares had been taken to authorize the issuing of a charter, did not constitute a majority of a whole number named in the acts of April 11th, 1843, and 15th April, 1850. The validity of this objection depends upon the question whether eighty-seven commissioners were appointed by acts of assembly, as alleged in the suggestion. The language of the act of 1848 is,peculiar. After enumerating a great number of names, it says that they, “ or any three of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners.” Did this appoint the whole number, or only three of them ? Neither. It is in the alternative: and if construed like a deed to A or to B, would be void for uncertainty. But the act may be saved by the principle of election. Either the whole number named, or any three of them, were appointed at the election of the individuals named in the act. There is nothing to show that the whole eighty-seven elected to accept of the appointment. The suggestion shows that forty-two of them acted so far as to make proof of the necessary facts in a certificate to the governor. Three would have been sufficient for this purpose. Then it is
The other objection is, that some of the subscribers to the stock, instead of paying the f 5-per name, as required by law, at the time of subscribing, gave their respective promissory notes to pay the same at a future day. The omission to pay this sum at the proper time might be good ground for excluding the delinquent subscribers from the privileges of a stockholder, and at one time it was thought ground to defeat a recovery on his contract to pay. 16 S. & R. 147; 8 S. & R. 226. But even this view of its effect did not accord with the general professional opinion, and it was changed in regard to “turnpike companies” by the act of 1826. But the cases of the Hibernia Turnpike Company v. Henderson, 8 S. & R. 225; Turnpike Company v. McCurdy, 16 S. & R. 146; and Clark v. Monongahela Co., 10 Watts, 866, show more clearly that this objection was not regarded as ground to invalidate the charter. This was emphatically stated as the law by Mr. Justice Duncan in the first-named case, and not denied by any of the judges. It was repeated as the opinion of all the judges in the second case and in the last. Mr. Justice Rodgers speaks of it as a mere irregularity, “which did not invalidate the charter.” 10 W. 866. No decision has been made in this State in opposition to the opinion of the judges as indicated in the three cases cited. And why should an irregularity like this destroy the charter ? It may have been participated in consistently with all that is set forth on this record by only two shareholders. In regard to those, shares, the money may have been paid the next day. It is not alleged that the majority, or even any considerable number of stockholders, were guilty of a similar delinquency. Shall those who have paid their money in- good faith be ruined by the irregularity of one or two others, over whom they have no control? Shall the State ■ herself, who ^undertook to provide for the preliminary steps necessary to issuing the grant, take advantage of the errors of her own agents to the destruction of those who confided in their acts? It must be remembered that the commissioners were the agents • ■ of the State herself. The subscribers to the stock had nothing to do with their appointments, and are not responsible for their
It is ordered that the writ of quo warranto be quashed.