Colson v. Meyers
A bet was made between Meyers and Burbage upon the result of the mayor’s election in the city of Brunswick. Meyers put in the hands of Colson $500, and Burbage also put in the hands of Colson a like sum; and if Spears should be elected,Burbage was to take the whole amount; if Dunn should be elected, Meyers was to have the whole amount. On the day of the election Meyers weakened, and wrote a note to Colson, the stakeholder, as follows :
“ Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 12, 1885, 11 o’clock, p. m.
“ M. J. Colson, Esq. :
“Dear Sir, — You are hereby notified not to turn over stakes or money held by you between myself and Mr. Burbage, as I shall probably contest the election.
“ Yours respectfully, Isaac Meyers.”
Judgment reversed.