131 N.Y.S. 99 | N.Y. Sup. Ct. | 1911
On June 17, 1910, Rudolph P. Miller, who then was and now is the superintendent of buildings of the city of ¡New York, sent a communication to the president of the borough of Manhattan (of whose office the bureau of buildings is a part) requesting a readjustment of the positions in his administrative force and his field and inspection force, and the transfer of moneys between certain accounts requisite to effect such readjustment. This so-called readjustment involved no additional appropriation beyond that allowed in the budget of 1910 for the bureaus affected, but in fact proved a saving of $2,040. The avowed purpose of this readjustment was the elimination of high salaried clerks in the administration force and the substitution of typewriters and lower priced clerks therefor, and to obtain additional positions of assistant engineers in the field and inspection force. The president of the borough of Manhattan transmitted this communication to the board of estimate and apportionment, and. thereafter, with the approval of the comptroller, the communication came before the board of estimate and apportionment for action on July 1, 1910. This communication of the superintendent of buildings showed in one column in detail the existing positions and their salaries in the administration force, and in another column headed “Amended ” the list of positions and salaries as they would be after the proposed readjustment. A comparison of these two columns shows the positions, with the amount of their salaries, which were to be eliminated or abolished. On July 1, 1910, the board of estimate and apportionment by resolution approved the readjustment as proposed by the superintendent of buildings. This resolution set forth in schedule form the various positions as they were to be filled thereafter in the administration force and field and inspection force of the bureau of buildings, and the salary attached to each "office, and transferred $Y8Y.50 from the appropriation made for salaries of the administration force in the budget of 1910 to the field and inspection force for salaries and wages. In his communication presented to the board of estimate and apportionment Mr. Miller proposed to eliminate the following officials from their positions as they existed on July 1, 1910,
Application granted.