This was an action on the case for libels. The declaration contains three counts. The first sets out libellous matter composed by the defendant, and by him published in a certain newspaper; the second, similar matter composed by him and published in the same paper, but purporting to be a communication from one Budd; the third, a libel published by the defendant, but composed by and bearing the signature of one Pauley. Plea, general issue. Verdict for plaintiff; damages 1,400 dollars; motion in arrest of judgment and for a new trial overruled; and judgment upon the verdict,
The reason alleged in support of the motion in arrest of judgment is, that the declaration shows that the defendant was only the publisher of a libel, the name of whose author is given by the publication itself; and that therefore no cause of action appears against the defendant. It is a sufficient answer to this objection that, in point of fact, it is applicable only to the third count. The first and second counts charge
It is contended there should have been a new trial granted because the damages are excessive. We do not think so. The press is capable of being an engine of great evil, as well as of great good; and we do not feel disposed to disturb a verdict which is calculated to repress its licentiousness. The libel set forth in the record is of a very virulent character.
The judgment is affirmed, with 1 per cent. damages and costs.