In the year 1891, and during the first part of the year 1892, the defendant and his wife resided in Ilardin county. On the fifteenth day of December, 1891, the district court of that county rendered a decree which divorced the defendant from Ms wife., and gave him the custody and control of their two minor children. No allowance to her for alimony was made. In January, 1892, she applied to have the decree set aside. The application was resisted, and a trial thereon was commenced; but before it was concluded Ellsworth withdrew all objections to the application, and asked that it be granted. Thereupon' the decree was set aside, and Ellsworth dismissed his action without prejudice-. Mrs. Ellsworth then commenced an action against her husband for a divorce, but before it was reached for trial a reconciliation was effected, the parties again
VIII. Questions which we have not mentioned are presented in argument, but are disposed of by what we have already said, or are unimportant, or are not likely, to arise on another trial, and therefore do not need further consideration. For the error pointed out the judgment of the district court is reversed.