11 F.3d 235 | 1st Cir. | 1993

    [See Slip Opinion from Clerk's Office for Appendix]
                   FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT

No. 92-1004

                      CITY OF WALTHAM,

                   Plaintiff, Appellant,



                    Defendant, Appellee.


No. 92-1383
                      CITY OF WALTHAM,

                    Plaintiff, Appellee,



                    Defendant, Appellee.

                     TOWN OF LEXINGTON,

                   Intervenor, Appellant.

No. 92-1399
                      CITY OF WALTHAM,

                   Plaintiff, Appellant,



                    Defendant, Appellee,

                     TOWN OF LEXINGTON,

                   Intervenor, Appellee.



        [Hon. William G. Young, U.S. District Judge]



                    Breyer, Chief Judge,
               Aldrich, Senior Circuit Judge,
                 and Selya, Circuit Judge.


John  B.  Cervone,  III,  Assistant   City  Solicitor,  with  whom
Patricia A. Azadi, Assistant City Solicitor,  was on brief for City of
Waltham. William L. Lahey  with whom  Jonathan L. Weil  and Palmer &  Dodge
were on brief for Town of Lexington. Mary Elizabeth  Carmody,  Assistant United  States Attorney,  with
whom  A. John  Pappalardo, United  States Attorney,  was on  brief for
United States Postal Service. 


                      December 2, 1993


          BREYER, Chief Judge.  In November 1990, the United

States Postal  Service decided  to buy a  36 acre  parcel of land,  located in  Waltham,  Massachusetts,  just  south  of Lexington, near the intersection of two busy highways, Route 128 and Route 2.   The Service intends to convert  the three buildings now  on the  property into  a 400,000 square  foot mail distribution  facility.   Both  Waltham  and  Lexington oppose the project.

          In  May 1991, Waltham filed this lawsuit (in which Lexington later intervened).  The towns pointed out that the Service must  prepare an Environmental Impact  Statement (an "EIS") -- a  detailed statement on the  environmental impact of the proposed  project -- unless a  preliminary assessment allows the  Service to find  that the project will  have "no significant   impact"   on   the   environment.     National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 ("NEPA")   102, 42 U.S.C.  

4332(C);  40  C.F.R.       1501.4,  1508.13;  39   C.F.R.   

775.6(a)(2).  The  towns claimed that the  Service's finding of "no significant impact" was  faulty.  And, they asked the district court to enjoin the Service from proceeding further until it prepared  an EIS (and  complied with several  other statutes and regulations).


          On  cross   motions  for  summary   judgment,  the district  court denied the  injunction.  The  court reviewed the  Service's  several   "assessments"  of  the   project's potential environmental impacts, and it concluded that those assessments,  taken  together,   provided  adequate  factual support   for   the   Service's   "no  significant   impact" conclusion.  It rejected the towns' other claims.

          The  towns   now  appeal   the  district   court's decision.  Waltham,  in particular,  in its  brief, makes  a vast number  of claims  and arguments, many  of them  highly factual and record-based in nature.   We have dealt with the claims and  arguments as follows.  First,  we have evaluated what seem to  us the most important factual  claims -- those most  likely to  suggest  the  existence  of  a  significant environmental  effect -- in light  of a rather thorough, and independent, reading of the 3800 page record (which includes about 1800 pages of  "environmental assessments").   Second, we  have  considered in  depth  what  seem  to us  the  most important  non-fact-related  legal  claims,  particularly  a question that the  towns raise about the  composition of the record.   Third, in evaluating the towns'  many other claims (less significant claims that, once  we had read the record, seemed unlikely to  have legal merit), we did  not go beyond

                             4 the  record citations  and the  arguments  contained on  the pages in the briefs where the towns raise those claims.

          We mention  our approach  to the  case because  we wish counsel to  understand how a fairly  lengthy process of review led to  a fairly simple ultimate  conclusion, namely, that  the  district  court was  correct,  and  basically for reasons set forth  in its ninety-five page opinion.   We see no  need to  rewrite that  same opinion.   Rather,  we shall first  explain  why  we reject  the  towns'  main procedural argument (dealing with  the composition of the record).   We shall  then  discuss  the main  fact-related  claims.   But, subsequently, we shall  indicate only briefly why  we reject the  other arguments  that  the towns  have  made.   Counsel should   take  our  statement   of  reasons   throughout  as supplemented  by  those of  the  district court  and  by our conclusion  that, in  respect to  each  of the  fact-related claims, the towns have not pointed to sufficient evidentiary support to create a triable issue.


                  The Scope of the Record

          The  Service's   consultants,  Rizzo   Associates, completed   three   studies    of   the   project's   likely environmental  effects.   The  Service  published the  first

                             5 "environmental  assessment" in  May 1990.    After a  public hearing, it  commissioned a  second  "assessment," which  it published in September.  Two months later, at the  beginning of  November,  the   Service  issued  its  "finding   of  no significant impact" (which it  conditioned on the assumption that "all  proposed mitigation  measures are  implemented"). Shortly thereafter,  the Service  asked Rizzo  to perform  a third study of the site.

          The  third   assessment  analyzed   the  potential environmental  impact  of  proposed changes,  including  new mitigation measures, that the Service  intended to make.  It also investigated more thoroughly  some of the environmental concerns  that  the  towns had  expressed.    The assessment concludes  that its findings  "support[] the [finding  of no significant  impact]  issued  by  the  Postal  Service"   in November.   The Service  published this third  assessment in June 1991 (a month after Waltham brought this lawsuit) as an "amendment" to its earlier assessments.

          The  towns'  most  important  argument  on  appeal concerns this third study.   The towns believe that, without the  third study,  the district court  would have  reached a different    conclusion   about    the   project's    likely environmental impact.   And,  they argue  that the  district

                             6 court should  not have  taken the third  study into  account because Rizzo  developed it after  the Service made  its "no

significant  impact" finding.    Cf.  Citizens  to  Preserve

Overton  Park,  Inc. v.  Volpe,  401  U.S. 402,  419  (1971)

(warning   against   accepting   an   agency's   "post   hoc rationalizations").   Cast  in its  best  light, the  towns' argument  amounts  to  both a  logical  claim,  namely, that information  developed   after   the   November   1990   "no significant  impact"  finding  cannot  help  show  that  the Service's  finding was  lawful  earlier  when  made,  and  a

practical  claim, namely, that  the court, at  least, should remand  the case to  the Service so that  it, not the court, can reassess its November 1990  decision in light of the new information.

          We  agree with the  towns about the  importance of the  third study.   Without  that  study, one  might find  a "substantial   possibility"   that    the   project   "could significantly affect the quality  of the human environment"; and,  such a  finding  would  show the  need  to perform  an environmental impact  statement.    Quinonez-Lopez  v.  Coco

Lagoon Dev. Corp., 733 F.2d 1, 2  (1st Cir. 1984).  Once one

considers  the third  assessment, however,  the "substantial

                             7 possibility," and the consequent need for an EIS, disappear. See supra p. 6; infra part II.

          We nonetheless disagree with the towns about court consideration of  the third assessment.   We are  unaware of any   hard  and  fast   legal  rule  forbidding   a  court's consideration of a subsequently made  assessment and project modifications.   The  district court  independently reviewed the third  assessment (as  have we).   We conclude  that, in doing  so,  the  court  acted  lawfully,  in  light  of  the following considerations.

          First,  the towns seek more than a simple judicial declaration that the November 1990 decision was inadequately supported when made.  (In fact, the district court basically conceded that it was not.)   Rather, they seek an injunction

requiring,   among   other   things,   preparation   of   an Environmental Impact  Statement.   The  third assessment  is highly relevant  to the ultimate legal question in the case, namely,  the  equitable  question  of  whether  or  not  the district  court should  issue that  injunction.   It  offers strong evidence that  the project will have  no significant, adverse environmental effects.   See supra  pp. 6, 7;  infra

Part II  pp. 12-18.   It thereby  indicates that  the relief sought  is unnecessary, that  an injunction would  not serve

                             8 the   public  interest,  and  that  one  could  not  justify injunction-related  project  delays   through  reference  to eventual statutorily-related environmental benefits.

          Second, the  record indicates  that remand  of the case  to the Service for further  consideration of the third assessment  would serve no  useful purpose.   The assessment reveals  no new  environmental harms,  nor  does it  provide evidence that  any already  considered harm  is more  likely than previously thought.  Compare Massachusetts v. Watt, 716

F.2d  946  (1st  Cir.  1983)  (requiring  development  of  a supplementary EIS  where new evidence  significantly changes previous factual assumptions).   Furthermore, the towns have not cast  any significant  doubt on  the reliability  of the third assessment's facts or its analysis.  Finally, there is no   reason   to   believe   that   the   Service's  further consideration   of    this   third,    Service-commissioned, assessment would change the mind of a Service that found "no significant  impact" upon the bases of two, less convincing, analyses.  Cf.  NLRB v. Wyman-Gordon Co., 394  U.S. 759, 766

n.6  (1969) ("[W]e  [need not]  convert  judicial review  of agency action into a ping-pong game.").

          Third,  the district  court  considered the  third assessment  independently (as  have we), without  giving the

                             9 benefit of  any particular doubt  to the agency in  light of any presumed agency  expertise, or special  legal authority, to resolve  such matters.   In this way, it  guarded against what    courts    have    sometimes   called    "post    hoc rationalization," namely,  an effort by agency  staff, after an agency has  made a decision,  to find supporting  reasons and  data that the  agency itself,  before the  event, might have  considered irrelevant  or  unpersuasive.   See Overton

Park,   401  U.S.   at  419.     The   risk  of   "post  hoc

rationalization" is particularly small in this case, for the document contains the same kind of analysis that the Service earlier  found persuasive.   It differs  from the  first two assessments  only  in  that  it  is  more  thorough  and  it considers in detail mitigation measures of the sort that the Service had earlier "assume[d]" would be "implemented."

          The upshot is that the third assessment is unlike, say, late  developed  evidence  of  significant,  previously unconsidered environmental harm -- evidence that may require further  agency  consideration,   particularly  in  a  legal context  that   offers  the   environment  only   procedural protection.     See  Watt,   716  F.2d  at   952  (requiring

preparation  of a  supplementary EIS).    Rather, the  third assessment  arises in  a  legal  context  in  which  further

                             10 environmental   investigation   and   additional  mitigation measures may  help an agency  produce a project  that better meets  a  substantively  protective  environmental  standard (i.e.,  "no  significant  impact").   The  third  assessment provides  evidence of  increased  mitigation and  diminished environmental  harm.    The  third  assessment  is  directly relevant to the basic question of court-mandated relief.  By itself  (and in context) the third assessment indicates that neither an injunction nor remand to the agency is warranted. And  (as  independently   reviewed),  the  assessment  comes unaccompanied  with "post  hoc rationalization"  risks.   In this context, we can find no convincing legal reason why the district  court should  not (independently)  have considered the  third assessment in reaching its  decision not to grant the towns the relief they requested.


                         The Merits

          The  basic  legal  question,  on  the  merits,  is whether  or not the  Postal Service could  lawfully conclude that  its  project  will  not  "significantly  affect[]  the quality of the human environment."  NEPA   102, 42 U.S.C.   

4332(2)(C)(i).   The district court,  applying standards  at least as  stringent as those  our cases have  proposed, see,

                             11 e.g., Sierra Club  v. Marsh, 769 F.2d 868,  870-71 (1st Cir.

1985), found  the Service's  determination lawful.   We  too have reviewed the  record.  We have taken  what we described in Marsh  as the  "practical approach"  to review,  avoiding

verbal formulas, but giving the record the type  of scrutiny for which  the circumstances  call.  In  this case,  for the reasons  discussed in Part  I, that scrutiny,  in respect to the third assessment, has been  strict.  We have reached the same  conclusion as  the district  court,  namely, that  the record  does not show  a "substantial possibility"  that the project "could significantly affect the quality of the human environment."  Quinonez-Lopez, 733 F.2d at 2.

          Our conclusions about the record,  and our reasons for  affirming the district  court's decision, are basically those the district court itself described in its ninety-five page opinion, supplemented as follows:

          1.   Lexington, located just north of the project, says  that the  project  might  injure  its  environment  by generating  additional truck  traffic,  at  least if  postal trucks tend  to enter or  leave the project from  the north. The basic problem  with this argument lies in  a record that indicates significant numbers of postal trucks will not tend to enter or leave the  project from the north.  The  project

                             12 is  just east of  Route 128.   Trucks may  easily drive from that expressway  to the  project by  way  of a  road to  the south, and they may then  turn left and left again, entering the  project  by  means  of its  southern  driveway.    (See Appendix for diagrams.)   Physical barriers in the road will prevent  trucks from turning left  (north) as they leave the project along this  southern driveway or from  turning right into this  driveway, should they try to approach the project from the north.

          Lexington points out that there is also a northern driveway,  and it  asks, what  is  to prevent  a truck  from approaching  the project  from the  north  and entering  (or leaving) the project along this northern driveway?  Although the first  two environmental assessments  contained diagrams that showed that  the northern entry would do  the trucks no good (for the northern driveway  would not give them  access to  the  truck  parking   area),  the  third   environmental assessment  contains  a  slightly   different  diagram  that suggests  that a truck  might enter the  project through the northern driveway and drive to the truck parking area.

          In  our  view,  however,  the  third  assessment's northern-driveway-truck-parking-area   connection   is   not sufficient to show a "substantial possibility" of an adverse

                             13 environmental impact in  Lexington.  The government,  in its brief,  says that  the Service  "has  designated a  physical barrier that will  prevent trucks from entering  or leaving" the  project "from  the North."   The  Service says,  in its second  environmental assessment,  that  it  will enforce  a traffic pattern on Postal Service trucks and contract trucks so that they will not enter from, or leave, the facility via the  North.   The  Postal  Service's  regulations  create  a binding  obligation to  implement "[p]racticable  mitigation measures  identified in  an environmental  assessment."   39 C.F.R.    775.6(a)(7).    And, the  district  court, in  its opinion "expressly  rule[d] that the judgment entered  . . . is dependent  upon the  . ..  implementation  of the  . .  . traffic design  plan .  . .  ."   We interpret  the district court's  words "traffic design plan"  to include a plan that effectively assures that trucks will not enter  or leave the facility by means of the  northern driveway.  That being so, we can find no  substantial possibility of an  adverse truck traffic impact in Lexington.

          2.    Lexington  also  argues that  the  Service's planned improvement of a roadway intersection near Lexington will  mean more  traffic  traveling  through  the  town,  as drivers  will choose  the improved  route  over other,  more

                             14 congested,  routes.   Lexington,  however, has  produced  no factual  data that suggests  this possibility is  other than speculative.   Nor can  Lexington plausibly  argue that  the Service  should  have  investigated further  and  found  the relevant data, for Lexington initially implied that it liked

the idea of an intersection improvement, not that it opposed the idea.   Lexington  wrote the Service  that it  wanted to "understand  the anticipated  benefits  of the  intersection

upgrade," and it asked the  Service for an analysis of "what the   impact  on  Lexington's  streets  would  be  if  [the] intersection upgrade does not occur."  (App. Vol. 2, p. 646,

emphasis added).   We  have found nothing  in the  record to suggest  that  anyone thought  the intersection  might cause added-car-traffic  harm  of  the  sort  that  Lexington  now mentions.   And, Lexington does  not have the right  to make new  arguments  about  this  problem at  this  stage  of the proceeding.    Valley  Citizens for  a  Safe  Environment v.

Aldridge,  969 F.2d 1315,  1317 (1st Cir.  1992); Teamsters,

Chauffeurs,  Warehousemen & Helpers  Union, Local No.  59 v.

Superline Transp. Co., 953 F.2d 17, 21 (1st Cir. 1992).

          3.     Waltham  argues   that  the   project  will significantly  and   adversely  affect  a   nearby  wetland, basically by reducing the amount of rainwater that would run

                             15 off the site into the wetland.  Its expert points to certain Postal  Service figures that, the expert says, indicate that the project would reduce, by about 25% to 30%, the amount of water that, during  a rainstorm, now runs  off the buildings and onto the  wetlands.  The third  environmental assessment indicates, however, that  rainwater runoff will not  decline significantly.

          The third  assessment, in responding  primarily to Waltham's earlier claim that the project would discharge too

much,   not  too   little,  rainwater   onto   the  wetlands

(threatening them with additional  pollutants), sets forth a detailed  stormwater  management  plan, and,  in  doing  so, discusses  the amount  of  rainwater  that  will  leave  the project.  It describes water detention basins that keep, but then discharge,  water by  means of what  it calls  a "flow- dispersing  swale," which  discharge  will "replicat[e]  the sheet  flow occurring  in a  predeveloped  condition."   The plan,   it   says,   includes    methods   for   encouraging "[g]roundwater  recharge."   The description  indicates that the project will not affect  drainage from the existing roof area.  It adds that water running off the new roof area will be directed partly to a similar "flow-dispersing swale," and partly   to  a   "subsurface  recharge  system"   that  will

                             16 "replenish the  groundwater, avoiding  indirect hydrological impacts  on the  nearby wetlands  and stream."   Given  this discussion  of   the  storm  water  management  plan,  taken together  with the fact  that the district  court explicitly conditioned  its judgment "upon . .  . implementation of the amended  stormwater management  . .  .  plan," Waltham,  its expert  notwithstanding, has failed  to show any substantial likelihood that an environmentally significant lessening  of rainwater runoff will occur.

          4.  Waltham  says that the Service will  build the project in a  wetland area, without complying  with "wetland construction"  legal  requirements.    The  district  court, however, found to  the contrary.  The record  shows that the Service collected  relevant information about  the wetlands. See 39 C.F.R.   776.5(a).  Furthermore, the third assessment

says that the project will not involve wetland construction. The site  plans, as far  as we understand them,  confirm the assessment's  statement.  And, Waltham points to no specific evidence that might  refute the statement.   Regardless, the district court explicitly made its  judgment "dependent upon .  .  .  the  avoidance  of  construction  in  floodplain or wetlands or the discharge of fill into wetlands."


          5.    Waltham  says  that  the  Service's proposed addition  to the  existing buildings,  as  described in  the third  assessment,  is  twice  the  size  of  that  addition described in  the earlier  assessments, which  fact (Waltham adds) "raises a number of issues which must be addressed" by the Service.   One  problem with this  argument lies  in our inability to  understand  (despite our  examination  of  the various relevant diagrams) how Waltham reached its "enlarged building"  conclusions.     Regardless,  Waltham  does   not specifically  or convincingly  explain why  any diagrammatic inconsistency between  the  earlier  and  later  assessments would make  a relevant legal  difference.  A change  in size does   not  automatically   mean   greater,  or   different, environmental  effects than the record describes.  The third assessment's environmental analysis, after all, concerns the (allegedly bigger) building  project described in  the third assessment.  Thus,  the analysis of groundwater  runoff, for example, that we  find adequate (for reasons set  out at pp. 15-16, supra)  also seems  adequate in  respect to  whatever

"enlarged"  building that  the  third assessment  describes. Waltham's brief,  in the  portion devoted  to its  "enlarged building" claim, refers generally to  toxic waste and to the general  appearance of  the  building.    But,  it  provides

                             18 neither record  citations nor specific  arguments that could lead us  to conclude  that whatever  changes it  has deduced from the diagrams  make a relevant  difference in these,  or other, relevant environmental respects.  We therefore cannot accept its "enlarged building" argument.

          6.    Waltham  mentions  the project's  impact  on noise.   The district  court, however, pointed  out that the third assessment thoroughly analyzed the noise problem.  The court  concluded that,  even without the  various mitigation measures proposed (measures  that postal regulations require the  Service to  implement, 39  C.F.R.    775.6(a)(7)),  the environment will suffer no significant impact on noise.  The studies support that conclusion.   And, Waltham points to no significantly conflicting evidence.



                     Procedural Claims

          Waltham objects to several of the district court's procedural rulings.   We shall  briefly explain why  we find these objections without legal merit.

          1.  The district court's decision not to grant the

injunction was embodied in its grant of the Service's motion

for  summary   judgment  and  its   accompanying  denial  of

Waltham's  converse summary  judgment motion.   Waltham says that the district  court's own summary judgment  rule, Local Rule 56.1, required  the court to grant  the Waltham motion. It points to three parts of the rule:

          a.   The rule says that a party moving for summary
               judgment must attach "a  concise statement of
               material facts  of  record as  to  which  the
               moving  party contends  there  is no  genuine
               issue to be tried."

          b.   The  rule adds  that the opposing  party must
               then include "a concise statement of material
               facts of record  as to which it  is contended
               that  there  exists  a  genuine  issue to  be

          c.   The rule concludes that  any fact "set forth"
               in  the  moving   party's  statement,  unless
               "controverted"   in   the   opposing  party's
               statement,  "will be  deemed for  purposes of
               the  motion  to   be  admitted  by   opposing
               parties." Local Rule, D. Mass. 56.1 (emphases  added).  Waltham points out that it attached a long statement of facts to its motion

                             20 for summary judgment, but the  Service did not attach a list

of facts to its opposition.   Hence, says Waltham, the court should have  considered its list of facts  "to be admitted," and  those  facts,  it  believes,  entitled  it  to  summary judgment (and the injunction).

          The problem with this argument is that the Service did  submit a  "concise statement  of  material facts"  that

(despite Waltham's own opposing statements, and for  reasons set out here and in the district court's opinion) adequately supported  judgment in  its  favor  --  though  the  Service physically  attached that statement  only to its  own motion

for summary judgment without also physically attaching it to

its opposition to Waltham's motion.  The district court held that the Service's failure also to attach a duplicate of the document  to its opposition  made no legal  difference (even though the Service did not literally comply  with the rule). And, that holding makes perfect sense to us.  After all, the Service's error (failing  to make  an additional  copy of  a document already  in the  record) was  highly technical  and nonprejudicial.  Waltham, and the court, were fully aware of the  Service's view  about the  facts.   Were one  to accept Waltham's literal interpretation of the local rule, it could require the district court, nonsensically, to grant both the

                             21 Service's  motion (which  all factual  statements adequately support) and  Waltham's conflicting  motion.   The  district

court has  authority to  interpret  its own  local rules  in nontechnical ways and to avoid  such results.  United States

v. Diaz-Villafane, 874 F.2d 43, 46 (1st Cir.), cert. denied,

493  U.S. 862  (1989).    The  district  court's  nonliteral reading  of the summary judgment rule, creating an exception for the present  circumstances, falls well within  the scope of that legal authority.

          2.   Waltham argues that the district court should have  granted its discovery request for "two filing cabinets full"  of  material  that the  Service  compiled  during the course  of  its  environmental  investigations.   The  court denied  the  request  because  it  accepted   the  Service's statement that it  had not relied upon any  of this material in reaching any of the here-relevant conclusions.  The court has broad power to  control discovery.  Santiago v.  Fenton,

891 F.2d 373,  379 (1st  Cir. 1989).   In doing  so, it  can weigh discovery  burdens against  the likelihood  of finding relevant material.   Mack v. Great Atlantic  and Pacific Tea

Co., 871 F.2d 179, 186-87 (1st Cir. 1989).  We will overturn

a  discovery decision  of this  sort  only when  we find  it plainly  wrong and substantially prejudicial.  Santiago, 891

                             22 F.2d at  379;  Mack, 871  F.2d  at  186.   Waltham  has  not

provided us with any basis  for finding a violation of these legal standards.

          3.   Waltham  argues that  the  court should  have ordered the Service to provide it with a document called the "Berger assessment" -- a document  that apparently discusses the  environmental effects of  choosing other sites  for the new  facility.    Waltham,  however,  has  not  convincingly explained why the document  is relevant to the  legal issues before us  in this case.  And, it  provides us with no basis for  finding that  the district  court violated  any of  the legal standards described in the preceding paragraph.

          4.  Waltham asked the  district court not to admit in  evidence a  letter  from the  Service  proposing to  pay Waltham $1.6 million for roadway improvements.  The district court did  not rule on  Waltham's claim that the  letter was not properly authenticated.  The letter, in our view, has no significance.  Other documents,  properly admitted, say that the  Service was  willing to  pay  Waltham $1.5  million for roadway improvements.   And, we do not see  how the $100,000 difference  (between  the  $1.6  million  and  $1.5  million offers) could  make any  difference to  the outcome  of this case.   We have  not considered the  $1.6 million  letter in

                             23 reaching  our decision.   Insofar as the  district court may have done so (say, in  respect to traffic impact), any error is harmless.   United  States v. Pisari,  636 F.2d  855, 859

(1st Cir. 1981).

          5.  Waltham has made various claims to  the effect that the Postal  Service has acted in "bad faith."   We have not found in the record, however, specific  evidence of "bad faith"  sufficient to  invalidate  the Service's  finding in respect to the  lack of adverse  environmental impact or  to demonstrate  a  violation  of any  other  relevant  law that Waltham has mentioned.


                   Adequate Consultation

          1.   The law requires  the Service to consult with local  authorities about its project.  The Intergovernmental Cooperation Act ("ICA"), for example, says that

          [t]o  the extent  possible,  all  . .  .
          local viewpoints  shall be considered in
          planning   development    programs   and
          projects . . . . 

ICA   401(c), 31 U.S.C.   6506(c).

          An Executive Order,  elaborating this requirement, says

          [f]ederal    agencies   shall    provide
          opportunities   for    consultation   by


          elected  officials  of those  State  and
          local governments  . .  . that  would be
          directly  affected  by  .  .  .   direct
          Federal development . . . . Moreover, 

          [f]or  those  cases where  the  concerns
          cannot    be    accommodated,    Federal
          officials  shall explain  the bases  for
          their decision in a timely manner. Exec. Order No. 12,372, 47 Fed. Reg. 30,959 (1982).

          Waltham  claims that  the  Service violated  these legal obligations.   It concedes that Service  employees met with Waltham  officials many times.   It does not  deny, for example, the  accuracy of an  affidavit that refers  to such meetings  in October 1989, January, March, June (two), July, September, October, November  and December  1990, and  March and May 1991.  But,  says Waltham, all pre-May 1990 meetings concerned  other possible  project  sites, and  all post-May

1990   meetings  took  place  only  after  the  Service  had developed a "bureaucratic commitment" to the present site -- which  fact,  in  Waltham's view,  makes  the  post-May 1990 meetings irrelevant.

          In  our  view,  neither  the  Act  nor  the  Order requires  a federal agency to begin consultations before the agency makes any commitment to a particular project or takes

any steps towards  carrying out such a project.   Nothing in

                             25 the  Act or Order  suggests an intent  to integrate federal, state, and local  bureaucracies to the extent  that any such interpretation would require.  Nor does the language of  the Act  or Order  suggest  an  intent to  give  state or  local officials  the right to  veto federal projects,  where, say, speed is important or practical considerations indicate that a degree  of pre-consultation federal  bureaucratic activity is  desirable.    Rather,  the  relevant  statutory language simply  requires  "consider[ation]"  of  "local  viewpoints" during the  "planning"  stages  of  a  project.    In  these respects it  is quite different  from the language  of, say, NEPA, a  statute that insists that "a  detailed statement by the  responsible official on the environmental impact of the proposed action"  be  included in  "every recommendation  or report  on  proposals  for  .  .  .  major  Federal  actions significantly   affecting   the   quality   of   the   human environment," that  is, at  the time  when  the decision  to which  NEPA obligations  attach is  made.   NEPA    102,  42 U.S.C.   4332(C)(i); see also Watt, 716 F.2d at 952.

          With these provisions  in mind,  we have  examined the record.   We find the record indicates  that the Service provided meaningful consultation, considered local points of view, and  made  reasonable  efforts  to  accommodate  local

                             26 concerns.  Publication of the first environmental assessment in   May  1990  did  not  preclude  subsequent,  meaningful, consultation,   consideration,  and   accommodation.     The development of further assessments, the changes subsequently made to mitigate potentially adverse environmental  effects, and  other  related  changes,  all  show  that  the  Service listened   to   local   viewpoints   and   made   reasonable accommodation  efforts.     Waltham   strongly  states   the contrary,  but  it   does  not  point  to   record  evidence sufficient to show either a lack of meaningful consultations or  a failure  to take  local points  of view  into account, whether those  consultations and  accommodations took  place before, or only after, May 1990.

          2.  Waltham says that the Service has violated the Executive  Order (or  the  Act)  because  the  project  will diminish local tax revenues by $560,000, and the Service did not  adequately  address  these tax  consequences.    We are willing to assume,  for argument's sake, that  the Executive Order  imposes upon  the federal  government an  obligation, legally  enforceable  in  present  circumstances,  to   make "efforts  to accommodate" local concerns and "to explain the bases for their decision" when they do not accommodate local concerns.  But still, the Executive Order would not prohibit

                             27 the  federal government  from  removing local  property from state  and local  tax rolls.   It  would simply  require the government  to have  a sensible,  understandable  reason for doing so.  In this  case, the adverse local tax consequences understandably flow from the federal government's need for a new postal facility  and its decision to build that facility in Waltham.  More importantly, the Service  did consider the tax consequences of  its action.  The  initial environmental assessment  identifies the issue  and says that  the Service had "agreed to provide  infrastructure improvements in  lieu of taxes," as does the second assessment.  Waltham points to no  specific evidence  that might show,  in this  respect, a violation of the Act or Order.

          3. Waltham  makes  a similar  complaint about  the Service's  consideration of zoning  issues.  Both  the first and  second  environmental   assessments,  however,  discuss zoning issues.  The  assessment notes that the new  facility would technically be a nonconforming use,  but that it would "not  significantly change  the existing  land  use from  an aesthetics perspective" and that the previous owner's use of the  property was  similar to  the  Service's proposed  use. Waltham  has  not  pointed  to  any  specific zoning-related problem that might show a violation of the Act or the Order.


          4. Lexington points  to Postal Service regulations that  require  the Service  to  notify  it of  any  proposed environmental  assessment  before  the  Service  makes  that assessment.   39 C.F.R.     775.7(b), 775.10(a).   Lexington adds that it did not  receive notice prior to publication of the  first environmental assessment  in May 1990.   Assuming (as  did the district  court) for summary  judgment purposes that this is  so, the notice failure  still does not  make a significant  legal difference.  That is because the Service, after  May  1990,  provided   Lexington  with  an   adequate opportunity  to comment,  particularly  about the  potential traffic problems that  concerned the town.   And, subsequent to May 1990  the Service  prepared additional  environmental assessments   and  consulted   with   Lexington.     Because meaningful consultation subsequently took  place, any notice violation,  in the district  court's view, was  harmless and did  not warrant  an  injunction.    The  record  adequately supports  the conclusion that  any such violation  would not significantly affect the quality of the environment.


                    The Clean Water Act

          Waltham argues  that the Service  has violated the Clean  Water Act,  33 U.S.C.     1342,  1344, by  failing to

                             29 obtain  two necessary permits:  1) a permit  that allows the discharge of  material onto  wetlands and  2) a  permit that allows the discharge  of pollutants.  We do  not believe the Clean Water  Act requires  the Service  to obtain  the first permit because the  third assessment makes clear  that there will not be  sufficient discharge of material  onto wetlands to  trigger the permit  requirement.  See  pp. 16-17, supra.

The Service concedes that it needs the second permit, and it is  in the  process of  obtaining  it.   The district  court specified that  its "judgment  . . .  is dependent  upon the issuance of [that] permit."  We therefore see no need for an injunction.   Weinberger  v. Romero-Barcelo,  456 U.S.  305,

316, 320 (1982); United States v. Metropolitan Dist. Comm'n,

930 F.2d 132, 135 (1st Cir. 1991).



          We  have found  none of  appellants'  arguments of sufficient  legal merit  to undermine  the district  court's ultimate  determination.   We find  any remaining  arguments without legal merit.

          For  these reasons, the  judgment of  the district court is


                             30 NOTE:  See Slip Opinion for Appendix.

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