The material facts of this case, as established by the proofs, are these: John Bardsley, the treasurer of the city of Philadelphia, acting in his official capacity, and under authority of ordinances of the city, kept an account with the Keystone National Bank in his name as city treasurer, and from day to day deposited therein moneys of the city exclusively, and from time to time drew checks against the same on behalf of the city. Under an arrangement entered into between Bardsley and the bank, it was his common practice to deliver to the hank" after banking hours, taking a receipt therefor, funds belonging in part to She city and in part to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which came info the city treasurer’s office too late in the day to deposit, for the purpose of safe-keeping in the vaults of the bank overnight; and on the morning of the succeeding day, after the share of the commonwealth in the funds was ascertained and deducted, a deposit ticket would be made out by the city treasurer, and the part of f he funds belonging to the cRy would be deposited in the usual way to the credit of the city treasurer in his said account. Late on file afternoon of March 19, 1891, after the close of banking hours, Bardsley, in accordance with the practice above explained, delivered to the bank, for safe-keeping in its vaults overnight, the fund here in controversy, namely, §18,500.12, together with some other moneys,
Upon this state of facts it is quite plain to me that the city is entitled to the return of this fuud. It was not deposited to the credit of the city treasurer on March 19th, but was left for safekeeping in the vaults of the bank overnight. The precise interest of the city therein, as distinguished from the interest of the commonwealth, was not then known. Undoubtedly, the fund was left merely for safe-keeping, subject to the right of withdrawal by the city treasurer. The entry of credit in the city treasurer’s bank book
Let a decree he drawn in favor of the complainant in accordance with the views expressed in the foregoing opinion.