The opinion of the Court was delivered by
The defendant was prosecuted before the mayor of the city of Camden and a jury for the violation of an ordinance which provides that “no butcher’s or other fresh meat shall be offered for sale outside of the market house, unless the same shall have been first brought to the said market and stallage paid thereon.” As stated in the “Case” as prepared for argument here: “The admitted facts of the case are that W. R. Roberts sold in limits of Camden, on or about December 23d, 1898, to one DeLoach, a piece of beef without having paid any stallage or license fees. That Roberts, at the time and for some six months, had not kept any stall or stand in the city limits, although he had at the time a stand for selling meat outside t'he city limits, and was in the habit of butchering cattle with his own hands and selling the beef. He had a farm in the country where he planted crops. Last year he planted twenty acres of corn with peas for his own use. He lived outside city limits. He kept some stock cattle and hogs on his farm, would purchase cattle at times, keep and feed a while, butcher and sell as beef. The beef he sold to DeLoach was from a cow he had purchased two years previously, and had kept part of the time on farm. He had one calf from
From this judgment defendant appeals to this Court upon the following grounds: “ist. That his Honor erred in holding that no regular butcher, though residing outside city limits, and keeping no stand therein, could sell, without liability to license charges, any fresh beef, unless the animal from which the beef was prepared and obtained had been reared by him, and that if the animal so converted by him into beef had been purchased, he would be liable to the license fees of the city. 2. In holding that under the admitted facts of the case defendant had not produced the beef sold by him. 3d. In holding the defendant liable under the facts of the case for violation of the city ordinance.”
The judgment of this Court is, that the judgment of the Circuit Court be affirmed.